弹药费用由 12 调整到 13 gold 爆炸的范围伤害由 5.38 降低至 5.11 伤害由 950 调整为 1200 美国: T1 Cunningham: BUFF 新增一门 20mm Hispano Suiza 炮 T2 med: BUFF 新增一门 20mm Hispano Suiza 炮 Reworked gun mantel M7 Priest: BUFF HP - 30 105mm_Howitzer_M3 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 5.22 发 ( 原本 5.1 ) 105mm_Howitzer_M2A1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 7.41 发 ( 原本 6.5 ) M41: NERF HP - 60 155mm_Gun_M1918M1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 3.3 发 ( 原本 3.6 ) M12: 155mm_Gun_M1A1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 2.82 发 M40/M43: NERF HP - 50 移动车身、炮管时瞄准框框加大 10% 155mm_Gun_M1A1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 2.82 发 203mm_Howitzer_M1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 1.78 发 ( 原本 1.94 ) T1 hvy: NERF 主炮下压角度减少 3 度 M6: NERF 主炮下压角度减少 4 度 T29: NERF + BUFF 105mm_Gun_T5E1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 6 发 ( 用顶级炮塔 ) ( 原本 5 ) Т32: NERF 原厂炮塔的视野降低至 430 meters 主炮下压角度减少 3 度 105mm_Gun_T5E1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 5.45 发 ( 用原厂炮塔 ) ( 原本 6.4 ) 105mm_Gun_T5E1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 6.32 发 ( 用顶级炮塔 ) ( 原本 6.38 ) Т34: NERF 主炮下压角度减少 4 度 105mm_Gun_T5E1 炮的连射速度设定为每分钟 7.5 发 ( 全部炮塔 ) ( 原本 7.23 ) M26 Pershing: BUFF 移动时准心分布减少 10% 调整美国坦克的弹药伤害: 12.7mm_AP_M2: 对模组零件 ( 可能是观察孔、主炮、引擎) 的伤害由 16 调整为 20 76mm_HE_M42B1: 爆炸的范围伤害由 0.96 降低至 0.92 105mm_HE_M1: 爆炸的范围伤害由 1.84 降低至 1.75 105mm_AP_T32: 伤害由 360 调整为 320 105mm_APCR_T29E3: 伤害由 360 调整为 320 105mm_HE_M11: 伤害由 450 调整为 420 155mm_HE_M101: 爆炸的范围伤害由 4.0 降低至 3.81 155mm_HE_M102: 爆炸的范围伤害由 4.0 降低至 3.81 155mm_HE_M101M2: 爆炸的范围伤害由 5.38 降低至 5.34 203mm_HE_M106: 爆炸的范围伤害由 6.87 降低至 6.54 203mm_HE_A1M1: 爆炸的范围伤害由 9.81 降低至 9.54 Changes to Soviet vehicles: IS-3: - Maximum speed forward and reverse set from 36 and 16 to 38 and 17 km/hrespectively. - Increased passability for top tracks by 5%. - Hit points of the hull increased by 100. - Hit points of the top turret increased by 40. IS-7: - Reworked armoring on the turret around external machine guns. - Decreased the size of the turret rotation mechanism. KV-1S: - Hit points of the hull increased by 100. - Hit points of the top turret increased by 10. - Increased passability for medium terrain by 10%. KV-220: - Front hull armoring decreased from 120 to 100 mm. - Battle tier decreased by 1. S-51: - Hit points decreased by 30. - Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%. - Rate of fire for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 3 rounds a minute. - Rate of fire for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 1.58 rounds a minute. SU-14: - Hit points decreased by 90. - Traverse increased by 2 deg/sec. - Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%. - Rate of fire for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 3.33 rounds a minute. Object 212: - Hit points decreased by 90. - Reworked gun mantel. - Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%. - Rate of fire for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 3.16 rounds a minute. - Dispersion for 152mm_BR-2 gun set to 0.45. - Rate of fire for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 1.67 rounds a minute. - Dispersion for 203mm_B-4 gun set to 0.5. Object 704: - Maximum speed forward and backward changed from 43 and 14 to 37 and 13 km/h. - Dispersion during movement and traverse decreased by 10%. - Horizontal traverse angle for the gun is set to 11 degrees in each direction. - Hit points increased by 250. - Dispersion decreased to 0.34. - Aim time decreased to 2.5 seconds. SU-18: rate of fire for 76mm_cannon_mod_1927 gun set to 9.84 rounds per minute. SU-26: rate of fire for 76mm_cannon_mod_1927 gun set to 10 rounds per minute. SU-5: - Hit points decreased by 30. - Rate of fire for 76mm_cannon_mod_1905_30 gun set to 11.54 rounds per minute. - Rate of fire for 122mm_cannon_mod_1930 gun set to 8 rounds per minute. SU-8: - Hit points decreased by 50. - Dispersion during movement and traverse increased by 10%. T-34-85: hit points of the T-34-85 turret decreased by 20. T-54: - Weight of the top turret increased by 500 kg. - Power of the top engine increased to 700 h.p. - Price of the top engine increased to 82300 credits. Changes to Soviet shells: - 76mm_UOF-354K: explosion radius decreased from 0.96 to 0.92 - 122mm_UOF-471: explosion radius decreased from 2.48 to 2.36 - 122mm_OF420SO: explosion radius decreased from 2.48 to 2.36 - 122mm_OF420SOMSH: explosion radius decreased from 2.68 to 2.36 - 152mm_53OF500: - explosion radius decreased from 3.85 to 3.67 - damage increased from 290 to 330 - 152mm_53-OF-530: explosion radius decreased from 3.85 to 3.67 - 152mm_53-OF-551: explosion radius decreased from 3.85 to 3.67 - 152mm_53-OF-551BM: explosion radius decreased from 5.39 to 5.13 - 203mm_F-625D: explosion radius decreased from 6.87 to 6.54 - 203mm_F-625DBM: explosion radius decreased from 9.62 to 9.16 [编辑:莫下雨]