0110你问我答 59式轻坦作用比T34-2要差
- both penetration and damage of shells are decided separately and independently, that’s the reason why high-pen shells don’t do more damage to targets with thin armor 炮弹的穿深和伤害都是单独且独立计算的,这就是为什么高穿深的炮弹在打击装甲很薄的目标上时不会造成额外的伤害。 - SerB states that it’s not true that when hitting thin armor, a shell retains more of its kinetic energy and thus it does more damage SerB表示炮弹在击中薄装甲时,炮弹会保留大部分的动能以造成更多伤害的说法是不对的。 - SerB states that the bot-detecting system is working SerB表示挂机侦测系统正常运转中。 - not everything will be destructable in the new physics system (SS: for example bridges won’t be) 在客户端物理引擎加入游戏之后,并不是所有东西都是可摧毁的(SS:比如说桥梁什么的)。 - IS-6 has not become the most numerous tier 8 heavy tank after the New Year event IS-6在新年活动结束以后没有成为数量最多的8级重坦。 - LT role on city maps, according to SerB: “recon, scouting and raiding the rear” SerB对轻坦在城市图中的作用的说法:“侦查,报点,敌后包抄”。 - in historical battles, the vehicles fighting Tiger II will be just like in real life: T-34/85, SU-100, IS and ISU-152 (“as many as it is necessery”) 在历史战中,会与虎王一决高下的车辆和现实中差不多:T-34/85,SU-152,IS以及ISU-152(“有必要的话,越多越好”) - there will not be “multi-stage” historical battles (SS: as in, players starting on lower tiers and spawning with higher tier vehicles) 不会有“多阶段”的历史战(SS:也就是说,玩家们一开始开的是小车,后来会慢慢的复活成大车) - Soviet vehicles without 122mm guns fighting Tiger II’s and Ferdinands in historical battles? “Oskin managed to do it somehow even without a 122mm gun” 苏联在历史战中对抗虎王和费迪南的时候没有122mm炮?“奥斯金都能在没有122mm炮的情况下搞定这个问题” (译注:奥斯金,全名亚历山大·保夫罗维克·奥斯金,以一辆T-34/85消灭三辆虎王。此战后被授予“金星勋章”,并授予“苏维埃英雄”的称号。——本段摘抄自百度百科,奥格莱德伏击战词条。) - improving sky textures has low priority 增强天空的贴图的优先级很低 - fire mechanics apparently won’t be changed 着火机制不会有改动 - Q: “What’s with the draws in team battles?” A: “Fight to win then, we do not mind” 问:“7/42中出现平局怎么办?”答:“那就努力去获得胜利,我们才不管平局什么的呢” - there will be quick (one click) crew moving between tanks and there will also be an option to quickly retrain the entire crew to a new vehicle 以后会有快速(一键)把乘员从一辆车换到另一辆车的机制,同时还会有快速把组员重新训练到新的车辆上的选项 - Type 59 is worse than T-34-2 “by the fact the T-34-2 has the top gun and some others too, like mobility” 59式比T-34-2要差在“T-34-2有顶级炮以及一些其他的东西,比如说机动性什么的” - according to Storm, tank drifting is realistic Storm表示坦克漂移是符合现实的 - invisible walls do not exist practically anywhere on the maps according to Storm, apart from extreme cases like the castle on the Himmelsdorf map Storm表示空气墙并不存在于地图上,除了锡城山上的城堡这样的极端情况。 - Storm stated it’s possible that a tank will be able to move somehow even when it loses one track, he has been convinced by seeing documents that it’s possible Storm表示坦克在一侧履带断裂的情况下依然是有可能继续移动的,他本人看到了一份文献证明此事的确有可能发生后就被说服了 Also, Storm, addressing players, who say that the leaked Kharkov map is a “copy of Ruinberg”: “You are all fucked up and not undergoing treatment” (SS: as in “you should be treated for that”) Storm同时对那些说哈尔科夫就是“鲁别克”的翻版的玩家表示了问候:“你们TMD就是一帮傻逼,还有千万别放弃治疗”(SS:换句话说就是“药千万不能停”) The buildings in the northwest corner were apparently somewhat removed, but Storm said there are weren’t historically many buildings up there anyway. 西北角的建筑都在某种程度上被移除了,但是Storm说在历史上那里其实就没有什么建筑 In other news, the office of Taktikal Press (Wargaming’s publishing company) apparently got raided by FSB after some idiot reported it for preparing a terrorist attack on Sochi olympics by (if I understood it correctly) producing biologically infected fruit juices. 还有其他的一些资讯, Taktikal Press的办公室(这个是WG的出版公司——没错,WG的确出过一些科普向的坦克书籍——译注)被FSB(联邦技术规范局(Federal Specifications Board)——译注)进行了突然搜查,原因是有个傻逼报告说他们(指办公室——译注)正在准备利用(此处基于SS理解正确)生产生化果汁来对2014年的索契冬奥会发起恐怖袭击。 [编辑:nak]