0428你问我答 炮塔点亮与被点亮同视野
2014-04-28 16:26来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Interested in catching bots? Download the Bot Hunter mod (version for 9.0). 对抓Bot有兴趣吗?下载抓Bot的Mod(9.0版,外服限定) 吧。 - the vision and spotting points on a turret are identical (SS: as in, the points that get checked for spotting and the points, that spot on turrets are located on identical places) 炮塔上的点亮检测与被点亮的点的视野是一样的(SS:换句话说就是那个用来算作点亮检测的点以及炮塔上的那个点的位置是一样的) Otherwise nothing much today… ah well, it’s Sunday anyway. 呃……没了。哎,礼拜天嘛…… [编辑:nak]