介绍即将推出的苏系新八阶中坦Object 416
Crew: 4 (consider how small the tank is) Weight: 24 tons Engine: 400hp V12 diesel Power to weight ratio: 16,7 hp/t Maximum speed: 45 km/h Hull armor: 60mm/45mm/45mm Turret armor: front 110mm (+110mm mantlet) Gun: 100mm L/58 M-63 (it was developed from the D-10T, it has a wedge breech, in order to stabilize it for the smaller vehicle, it recieved a muzzle brake and the ROF was lowered, generally I think its performance will resemble the D-10T, as both guns fire the same ammunition) Gun depression/elevation: -5/+30 重量也只有24吨啊!然而马力和极数看起来都有点弱…车体装甲也蛮薄的,炮的性能可能接近D-10T 总之呢…单从数据来看的话我可能还是会比较喜欢T-44,不过OBJ 416之后应该会再BUFF一些数据的样子,总之就拭目以待吧~ [编辑:薛定谔的猫箱]