
1011你问我答 新模式胜方幸存经验更多

1011你问我答 新模式胜方幸存经验更多


- SerB states that he’d like to have more than two turrets per vehicle (SS: in some cases at least)


- accuracy rebalance is not planned


- SerB states that the reason for the drawing distance and spotting limit is that on one hand the typical engaging distance during WW2 was 300-500 meters, but on the other hand also the fact that it’s not interesting gameplay-wise to shoot “dots on the horizon”

SerB:知道为什么我们要限制点亮距离和显示距离么? 1.我们这是还原历史啊,要知道2战的时候,交战距离也就300-500米而已啦;2,这是从游戏性方面考虑的,毕竟,朝着地平线上的某个点射击是一点意思都没有的。

- anti-aliasing TXAA? “when it’s done it’s done”, but apparently not anytime soon, it hasn’t been decided yet when it will come

蛤?抗锯齿? 会有的,不过不是现在,具体出现时间不明。

- SerB states that he German tanks killing their enemies at 2,5km were either simply accidents, or the tankers made the story u

SerB:德棍们够了! 德国战车在2,5KM外击杀敌军————这纯属运气,或者说,这是德棍YY出来的。

- KV-7 (Object 227) will most likely not appear in WoT, but it’s possible that one of the KV-7 variants with two (linked) 76,2mm ZIS-5 might appear, SerB states that it’s a very strange vehicle


- developers actually considered the option to allow players to unlock one tier 10 tank from another tier 10 tank (IS-7 from IS-4 for example), but decided not to do it


- Soviet hightier light tanks won’t be implemented for now, because although there are candidates for those tiers, those tanks are only paper projects and the tiers under them (6-7) are not clear either


- the fact a vehicle is open-topped and doesn’t need ventilation is taken into account by WG when balancing vehicle characteristics (namely: increased ROF and view range, decreased weight)

为什么敞篷车没有通风呢? 因为毛子在设定数据的时候就默认他们自带通风了"。

- no plans for additional equipment and consumables slots



- SerB stats that when a team wins and the tank survives, it gets more XP than if the team wins and the tank dies, but the difference is not big


- SerB confirms that there will be another special “7/42-like” game mode for tier 10 tanks, it won’t be such a long wait as it was for the 7/42, because the mechanism is already developed


- Sturmtiger will be implemented, “when it’s done”, SerB states that while he won’t go into any details, there might be some more German monsters á la WTE100 coming at some point (SerB confirms it will most likely be a TD) (SS: I’d hazard a guess he means the Bär)


- 8.9 Waffenträgers getting additional gun changes? “If necessery”

8.9的德国2线TD会有什么别的炮的改动么? 如果有必要的话。

- SerB states that average XP per battle was always lower for arty than for other classes


- Q: “There are people who are (SS: medically) addicted to the game, what will you do to help them?” A: “Well, I am always writing here: ‘don’t play…’ – maybe it saved someone”

毛子,毛子,有人玩你家的WOT上瘾了,有人玩你家的WOT放弃治疗了,怎么办? SerB:我说啥来着? 吃我六字真言! ——说不定吃了我的六字真言&平衡还原参军三位一体波纹疾走之后,他们就恢复正常了。

- renting/buying for credits of premium tanks won’t be implemented6


- Brummbär “didn’t drop out anywhere” (SS: as in, it is still planned)


- new equipment is not planned for now


- SerB states that the BF4 engine is pretty, but WG won’t buy it, the “packet” solutions are already spent and now it’s time to improve (polish) what they have (one of the reasons for no BF4 engine is the fact it doesn’t work on Windows XP)

SerB:男朋友4(战地4)的引擎很好很强大诶! 不过,我们可不会用这种玩意,我们也做好了自己的优化方法,是时候展现真正的技术了!(真相:战地4的引擎不能再XP系统上运行————人艰不拆,人艰不拆)!

- 5 arty hardcap is not removed


- Havok and smoke/fire effects are not tied to one another


- hardcap for TD’s is not planned5


上一篇:火来将挡水来土掩 8.9新版TD打法探讨 下一篇:8.9版本新增金币车预测 R系金币坦已锁定


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

