1012你问我答 画质革命性改进引擎改版
2013-10-12 10:52来源:网络发布者:yi︶曲゛流年新手卡|游戏下载
*- apparently the fact a vehicle is not popular doesn’t mean much when considering rebalance 毛子在平衡车辆的时候,是不会考虑这车是否热门。 - T-44-85 will have 126 regular pen and 167 gold pen T-44-85银币弹穿深126,金币弹167。 - for now, there are no plans for reducing the MM spread of A-20, T-50, Panzer 38NA, Luchs, M5 Stuart and M5A1 in connection with more tier 6 lights appearing in the game' 虽说6级LT出场了,不过毛子似乎不打算降低A-20 T-50 38Na 山猫 M5 M5A1的分房。 - Storm states that it’s normal that things get constantly rebalanced in any online game (SS: yes it is) Storm:经常砍车辆/英雄是网游的一部分,不爽不要玩(这点我们和Riot公司取得了共识)。 - 8.9 will apparently bring no changes for Jagdpanzer IV according to Storm Storm:8.9不会改4歼。 - apprently T-44-85 will have reduced MM 很明显,T-44-85有分房保护。 - T-34-2 stats will be revisited, might get rebalanced 毛子会重新审查342的数据,可能要重新平衡。 - Q: “Will there be premium tier 8 heavies for Britain and Japan?” A: “If we find some, we’ll put them in plans.” 毛子,毛子,会不会有8级日系,英系金币HT? 如果我们找得到的话…………,我们就会把它们当卫星发射出去。 - Brummbär will most likely come in 2014 灰熊突击炮会在2014年出现。 - LeFH 18 will not be transferred to German branch LeFH 18不会变成德系车。 - Sturmtiger will most likely be an unlockable vehicle, not a premium one 突击喵是一辆可解锁车辆,不是金币车。 - Leopard 1 is statistically doing fine apparently 豹1数据很棒。 - there won’t be a possibility to transform a regular vehicle into a premium one 不会再有银币车变成金币车了。 - for now, the new AMD R7 and R9 graphic cards with API Mantle technology won’t be supported by WoT, maybe in the future 其实啊,我们是A卡黑,WOT不支持我大农企R7 R9显卡的API技术,也许以后会。 - for now there are no plans to implement Churchill AVRE: “It will be really difficult to balance” 丘吉尔AVRE? 暂时不会有,这玩意不好平衡(突击喵就好平衡了? 嗯,对战车宝具,平衡还原の锉刀&闪耀的光头…………)。 - HESH shells still work like HE shells, they don’t lose pen over distance Hesh机理和He一致,不会随飞行距离减少穿深。 - there will be no skill MM in historical battles 历史模式也不会按玩家水平分房。 [编辑:nak]