1013你问我答 游戏出售112即将换新引擎
2013-10-13 16:06来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
- for now, 7/42 battles will not have automatic relogging to another server, maybe in the future 现在7/42制度不能自动重新登录到另一个服务器上,也许以后可以。 - apparently the fact a vehicle is not popular doesn’t mean much when considering rebalance 一辆坦克人气不高在进行平衡工作时并不会影响什么。 - 112 and T-34-3 will be sold via ingame magazine in 0.8.9 0.8.9中,112和T-34-3会通过游戏内的商城出售。 - T-44-85 will have 126 regular pen and 167 gold pen T-44-85的银币弹穿深是126,金币弹穿深167。 - for now, there are no plans for reducing the MM spread of A-20, T-50, Panzer 38NA, Luchs, M5 Stuart and M5A1 in connection with more tier 6 lights appearing in the game 现在没有降低A-20,T-50,Pz.38 NA,蝉式,M5斯图亚特和M5A1分房的计划。 - Storm states that it’s normal that things get constantly rebalanced in any online game (SS: yes it is) Storm表示网络游戏中,各种各样的东西被不停的平衡来平衡去是很正常的(SS:没错)(看看隔壁玻璃渣吧——译注)。 - 8.9 will apparently bring no changes for Jagdpanzer IV according to Storm Storm表示四歼在8.9中没有变动。 - apprently T-44-85 will have reduced MM T-44-85会有分房保护。 - T-34-2 stats will be revisited, might get rebalanced T-34-2的数据会重新再审核一遍,也许这车会被重新平衡。 - Q: “Will there be premium tier 8 heavies for Britain and Japan?” A: “If we find some, we’ll put them in plans.” 问:“英国和日本会有8级重坦吗?”答:“要是能找到,我们就把它加进计划里”。 - Brummbär will most likely come in 2014 灰熊式突击炮估计在2014年会出。 - LeFH 18 will not be transferred to German branch LeFH 18不会被转移到德国线。 - Sturmtiger will most likely be an unlockable vehicle, not a premium one 突击虎大概会作为银币车出现,而不是金币车。 - Leopard 1 is statistically doing fine apparently 豹1的数据没问题。 - Storm states that Mines encounter actually has some small imbalances, but strangely enough, on low tiers one side has better winrate and on high tiers the other side has better winrate. And it changes over time too, so for now it won’t be reworked. Storm表示湖边的角逐的夺旗战的确有一些不平衡的地方,但是很奇怪,在低级房呢,有一遍的胜率比较高,但是在高级房,另一边的胜率又高了起来。而且还会随着时间推移而变化,所以现在不打算重制这个地图。 - there won’t be a possibility to transform a regular vehicle into a premium one 肯定不能把一辆常规车辆转成金币车的(银币/经验系数加成,以前提过几次)。 - for now, the new AMD R7 and R9 graphic cards with API Mantle technology won’t be supported by WoT, maybe in the future 现在,新的使用API地幔技术的AMD R7和R9显卡暂时不支持WOT,也许未来可以吧。 - for now there are no plans to implement Churchill AVRE: “It will be really difficult to balance” 现在没有计划引入丘吉尔皇家工兵装甲车:“太难平衡了”。 - HESH shells still work like HE shells, they don’t lose pen over distance 碎甲弹现在和HE弹的工作机制一样,穿深不会随着距离而衰减。 - Storm states that HE and AP shells don’t have different trajectories because of their shell types, everything depends on shell velocity Storm表示HE和AP弹的弹道尽管弹种不同,但是弹道是一样的,因为一切都是取决于弹药速度的。 - there will be no skill MM in historical battles 历史战中没有水平分房。 - there will be a video made to explain ingame balance (MM), it’s being worked on 会有专门的视频来讲解游戏内的平衡(MM系统),现在正在搞。 [编辑:nak]