2013-12-13 16:28来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, 熊孩子好, Storm is asking about MM on the developer blog: Storm在开发者博客上咨询关于MM的意见: “Hello everyone, you’ve all seen the MM video probably. What do you think – what is working well in current MM? What is not working well? How is it supposed to work according to your opinion?” “大家好,你们应该都看过那个MM的视频了。你们怎么认为呢—现行MM有什么表现不错的地方吗?哪些地方又不够好呢?你觉得MM应该怎么运作呢?” From the discussion: 以下为讨论区收集来的信息: - Storm states that “common opinion is that stock and elite vehicles should be considered differently” Storm表示“普遍都认为白板和完全体的车辆应该分开来分房” - there will definitely not be 3-arty hardcap 不会把火炮上限改成3门的 - apparently there won’t be a rule that stock vehicles will overall end up more as top of the team, because that sucks for the team 不会有让白板车做班长的几率更高的规则,因为这样的话这个队伍就完了 - Storm states that current TD situation is 100 percent different from the previous arty (SS: as in – no hardcap is planned) Storm表示现在TD的状况和以前火炮的状况有100%的不同(SS:也就是说—没有计划要限制TD的数量) - Storm states that map-based MM (SS: MM rules different for each map) is unfortunately impossible, because it would lead to even more common map repetition for individual players Storm表示基于地图而定的MM(SS:MM规则根据地图来走)是不可能搞定的,因为这样单野玩家的地图重复率就会更高了 - mirror teams (SS: won’t be implemented), they’d kill battle variety 镜像队伍(SS:这个肯定不会搞)会扼杀战斗的多样性 - Storm states that the idea to consider the tier of the gun during MM “is not meaningless” Storm表示在MM时考虑主炮的等级的主意“并不是毫无意义的” - there is apparently a bug that when a Chaffee platoons with KV-1S (or other lower tier spread heavies), it will get their MM spread, Storm states he needs to check 现在霞飞如果和KV-1S(或者其他分房等级比较低的重坦的话)有个BUG,就是霞飞会获得重坦的分房,Storm表示他需要去研究下这个问题 - apparently, Storm thinks that the rule for stock vehicles having preferential MM for a while has been cancelled, but he will doublecheck Storm认为新买的白板车的分房保护机制已经被取消了,但是他还是会再去看一眼是否真的是这样 And what do YOU think of the matchmaker? Please, politely – I will forward your comments to WG RU, I doubt they’ll be interested in tons of “OMG WG U SUX”. Be constructive. Thank you. 还有,你对MM事怎么看的呢?拜托,文明点—我会把意见上交至WG RU的,而且我保证他们不会对成堆的“卧槽WG你他妈的烂爆了”感兴趣的。提点有建设性的意见,谢谢。 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区 】 [编辑:路牙]