2013-12-16 10:40来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, you probably remember the T-44-85, the Soviet tier 7 premium tank, that was supposed to come last patch, but it was postponed, because it was imbalanced? 小伙伴们,你们还记得那个本该在上个版本出现的S系7级金币MT T-44-85,是的,它被推迟了,就因为它的不平衡吗? Well, as you know, it’s not coming in 8.10 either, but Wargaming did rebalance the vehicle somewhat – probably not its final form, but to show where this is going: 如你所知,它也不会在8.10出现,但是,WG对它进行了一些平衡——或许现在不是最终的形态,但是看下现在的进展吧: - hitpoints were reduced from 1150 to 1100 血量从1150降低到1100。 - traverse nerfed from 56 deg/s to 54 deg/s 车辆旋转速率从56 deg/s 削弱到 54 deg/s。 - terrain resistance nerfed from 0,8/0,9/1,8 to 0,9/1/2 地形阻力从0,8/0,9/1,8 削弱到0,9/1/2。 - gun penetration was improved from 126/167/43 to 147/210/43 炮的穿深从 126/167/43 提高到 147/210/43。 - gun damage was improved from 160/160/280 to 200/200/300 伤害从160/160/280 提升到 200/200/300。 - ROF changed from 12,5 RPM to 9,52 RPM, lowering DPM from 2000 to 1908 射速从12.5削弱到9.52;每分钟伤害2000到1908。 - the price of regular AP shells increased from 109 to 175 credits 普通AP弹价格从109增加到175。 - the price of gold shells increased from 7 to 8 gold 金币弹价格从7金币涨到8金币。 - the price of HE shells increased from 98 to 139 HE价格从98到139。 - both the AP and gold shells have marginally higher velocity AP和金币弹速度提高。 Overall, it’s hard to say whether it’s a nerf or not. The vehicle will be less mobile, but it will penetrate more. Time will tell how it will end up, but personally, mobility nerf makes the tank less attractive for me, because earlier I really liked its speed. 总而言之,很难去诉说这车是削弱还是没有,它的机动降低,但提高了穿深。时间会让我们看到结果如何的,但就个人而言,机动的削弱对我来说少了吸引力,因为较早之前我真的喜欢 T-44-85的速度。 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]