2014-05-12 11:19来源:网络发布者:死猫の黑猫新手卡|游戏下载
老样子,Q&A给出的‘确切’消息即9.1版本会带来美国以及德国两系的高级轻坦RU251(原文楼主自行简单翻译 如有错误请见谅)。严格来说不算什么资讯,因为相关的传闻和车辆选定早在2013年初就有了, 如今只能说是确定了而已。 Dimensions: 6.2 m x 3 m x 2.49 m Crew: 4 Weight: 24 tons (loaded) Speed: 78~80 km/h Main Armament: 90 mm PzK Engine: Daimler-Benz diesel, 500 hp Ground pressure: 0.70 kg/sq.cm 长6.2米 宽3米 高2.49米(这货跟豹原差不多简直) 成员:4人(推测 车长 炮手 驾驶 装填) 速度:78~80公里/小时(游戏内就未必了) 主炮:90mm Pzk 引擎动力:500hp 地表压力:0.7kg/sq.cm Armor: 50-10 mm 装甲 50-10mm What else is known: - it will follow after VK2801 - VK2801 was nerfed because it was overpowered lately with the gold ammo 此外已知的有: 科技树上会在VK2801之后 而VK2801会被削弱 因为他的切糕弹有些过于强了 以上内容源于外服论坛2013年信息 此后并未再有更多消息露出 敬请期待不久的超测服吧 相信会有更多数据流出 这回就不设回复可见了 看到你们的回复内容都是在吐槽的 我贴心吧?(但你们好歹回复点呀各位看官老爷) 再补张图 美系应该和之前传言的一样 是T49轻型 (游戏中有T49TD) 装甲部分: - upper frontal plate: 25mm at 60 degrees (50mm EFF) (首上) - lower frontal plate: 32mm at 45 degrees (45,2mm EFF)(首下) - sides: 25-19mm(侧装甲) - rear: 13-19mm(菊花) - roof: 19mm(车顶) - floor: 10 or 38mm(底部) 炮塔: - front turret: 25mm at 18 deg (26,3mm EFF)(炮塔正面) - mantlet: 32mm(炮盾) - sides: 25mm(炮塔侧面) - rear: 25mm(炮塔后面) - roof: 19-13mm(炮塔顶部) 火炮部分: Well, here, we have a bit of a problem. I haven’t found any penetration data on the 90mm T123 (the gun itself is L/50 apparently) and even if there were some available, calculating the HESH effect is always really messy. What we know is that it fired: 很可惜找不到任何90毫米T123炮的伤害数据(L/50倍径应该),即便有 但计算HESH的效果(应用到游戏中)也十分复杂的计算,现有已知数据是 - T91 HE round at 731 m/s - T142E3 HEP (HESH) round at 792 m/s - T108E45 HEAT round at 853 m/s (三种炮弹速度) What I was able to find out is that based on theUS reports, the T108E45 HEAT round was able to penetrate between 349mm and 377mm (depending on charge used) – classic gold round. Other than that, we know that the vehicle carried 46 90mm rounds, the gun elevation was -9,5/+19,5 degrees and it could fire 10 rounds per minute. Either way, when it comes to the Cadillac proposal to arm the Walker Bulldog with the M41 90mm gun, the gun is actually in the game already (M48′s stock gun), so we know how it would behave in the game: 根据我所能找到的美方报告,T108E45 HEAT能够穿透349毫米-377毫米装甲——金币弹,除此之外,我们知道车辆载有46发90毫米炮弹,炮管可以-9.5/+19.5度范围,射速有10发/分钟。 另一方面,他在Cadillac时装备有M41 90毫米炮,这门炮在游戏中已经存在了,即M48的白板炮。 DAM: 240/240/320(伤害) PEN: 173/263/45(穿深) ROF (balance parameter): 9,52 RPM(射速) Acc: 0,36(精度) Aim: 2s(瞄准时间) That however would be unhistorical (although it would probably make a much better stock gun than the quirky T123E3). 未必根据真实历史数据而来 机动力部分: The vehicle weighed 24,1 tons and was powered by a Continental AOS-895-3 supercharged V6 engine with the power output of 500 hp, giving it the power-to-weight ration of 20,74 hp/t. Not bad. Its maximum speed was 72 km/h. While the power-to-weight isn’t that awesome for a light tank, it has a potential of being very fast. I kinda imagine this vehicle in the game as something like current Chaffee. Quite tall, good passive scout, good firepower and hulldown capability, but the agility probably won’t be completely stellar. Sounds like a solid tank for now, right 车辆24.1吨 并且有500hp马力发动机 推重比2074 hp/t. 挺不错的数字。 最大速度72公里/小时 显然他的速度作为LT来说不是特别出色,所能联想到的游戏中的车辆---霞飞,车身高,侦察出色,不错的火力和隐蔽能力,但敏捷性不是一流的。 现保存在英国坦克博物馆的AMX-30B