坦克世界地图设计 战舰地图设计全解说 我们看看WOWS官方博客的文章
Focus On Battleship
Dreadnought battleships. Steel monsters. Formidable and proud overlords of the sea that now reside in museums. They lack the elegance of aircraft carriers, or the speed of destroyers and cruisers – all they have is monumental, menacing might.
Nowadays, you may run into a battleship as a museum exhibit. Or you may read about them in books or see them in movies and video games. Unfortunately there is a very low chance of becoming a captain of one of these monsters, so games, by far, are the only source for getting this experience.

Do the ships “go on parade” in random battles?在野队要不要排个战列线出来呢?
Let me clarify: they actually do that in-game. Though they do it rarely – randomness is only so random, you know. But the concept of the salvo itself, as a method to inflict maximum damage, is pretty instinctive, even for newbie captains. So, we’ll inevitably see these ships heading in a similar direction (if not directly that way), with most of their cannons directed at the enemy.
The battleship – a vessel of contrasts.战列舰————矛盾集合体
The pros of battleships are quite obvious: their high survivability and powerful armament. They may withstand many hits while simultaneously turning opponents into smoking wreckage, which is a very attractive option.
The cons are the following: battleships are the largest ships on the battlefield, so they are pretty easy to aim at。
Despite being heavily armoured vessels, battleships are not invulnerable. They’re just more complex targets to sink. Even cruisers are sometimes capable of destroying one of these monsters by penetrating its armour from short distances in the vicinity of its magazines. Size and inertia also add to the difficulties with game-manoeuvring compared to destroyers and cruisers. Coupled with unarmoured range finders, AAA sites and anti-mine cannons that are too easy to lose. So, on the whole, raging in solo attacks against enemy squadrons leaves you a miserable chance of leaving the battlefield safe and sound.
How can you eliminate an enemy battleship?怎么才能做掉敌人的战列舰?
Firing ranges themselves vary depending on the cannon type. In any duel combination, such as theYamatovs theIowa, there is always an area where the enemy’s armour cannot be penetrated. This is called the immunity zone.
This is widely known but you shouldn’t think of it as a completely safe zone! Heavy main-calibre shells could still seriously damage the armoured parts even without direct penetration, causing fragmentation damage, minor crew injuries or similar effects.

This is common knowledge for real battles, like in the Jutland battle. Below is the description of such a hit by George van Hase. The shell hit the conning tower of theDerflingerbattlecruiser. It was quite safe in the tower until that moment.
在实战中,这种事情屡见不鲜,比如在日德兰海战中就多次体现。 让我们看看下面的文字吧——————一发炮弹打中了德福林格的指挥塔,指挥塔里面非常安全,直到被击中的时候。
“So far, those of us in the armoured tower had come off very well… but my train of thought was sharply interrupted. Suddenly, we heard a crack that sounded like our impending doom. A terrific roar, a tremendous explosion and then darkness, in which we felt a colossal blow. The whole conning tower seemed to be hurled into the air as though by the hands of some portentous giant, and then to flutter, trembling, back into its former position. A heavy shell had struck the fore-control about 50cm in front of me. The shell exploded but failed to pierce the thick armour, which it had struck at an unfavourable angle, though huge pieces had been torn out.”
Knowledge of firing ranges (both for you and your enemy) may help you to avoid such situations. A direct hit to valuable modules significantly takes up your time, which is necessary for other purposes like correction of hydroplane reconnaissance and evading torpedo attacks, air attacks。
Of course, this kind of fun differs from that of a destroyer, but with no less action. Having become accustomed to the game a player develops a set of working tactics ranging from thoughtful actions in parallel columns similar to the battlecruisers clash in the Jutland battle
当然,驾驶驱护舰带来的乐趣和驾驶战列舰不同,但是,这有什么关系呢? 慢慢习惯游戏,慢慢习惯和队友制定计划,排出一条战列线————就响日德兰的战巡前卫战一样。
Game environments, contrary to what people might think, are not simply static spaces. A game environment is a kind of mini-universe where all components must be balanced for the map to function as intended. What the specific function of a particular map is only the developers can tell but the goal of every map is the same: to immerse the player in the gameplay with the help of its external appearance, special effects, level geometry and the tactical opportunities that the map provides.
In World of Warships, it’s not just a case of pouring water in and throwing rocks around. We are creating game environments based on the specific characteristics of our game.
Think twice!
The process of creating game levels is a very complex one and requires a specific set of actions. Of course it may undergo some dynamic changes in structural and technical terms as well as in concept.In a World of Warships project, our approach involves the cooperation of several departments working on game maps which gives us a better opportunity to plan and set our goals.
Each map begins with a concept that sets its key parameters. Here are the 4 pillars of game map design.
The game-design department generates the initial idea and the technical basis of each map e.g. its geometry, landmarks and characteristics. At this stage, it is really just an unpolished skeleton of the future map. Is shows the structure of the level and its key objects like straits and islands, hills and shallows as well as interactive elements with their own gameplay features, such as cover objects and bases.
At this stage, we determine what we want to get from this map – how it should look, what feelings it should give the player. Each time a player gets into a new map there should be unique gameplay
Despite the fact that battles in World of Warships take place at sea and our players will not be able to go ashore, the use of landscape detailing helps us to create a special atmosphere for the game.
Strength in Details!强化细节!
After this, the artist carefully studies the chosen settings and determines the external specifics of each landscape and its geometry which may also affect its design and gameplay. When all the ideas have been brought together and an element of fantasy has been added, the concept art can finally be drawn, including pictures of real locations and artists’ sketches.
In the last stages of preparation, we add detail to the concept art, selecting which landscape components we need and how many of them there should be. Finally, we create a map of the required content which gives us a vision of the final version. Based on these original creations, our studies, real-life sources and sketches, the level now goes into production.
A set of natural objects and structures is being prepared for the map. Eventually they will be used for the enrichment of terrain. Due to the climatic features of a selected setting, the amount of details (stones, trees and etc) may vary greatly and the set of textures required is unique for each map.
Water is everywhere!
After all the key features have been defined and any issues or disputes have been resolved, it is high time to take up the tools. Work begins on the detailed geometry of the landscape and the map of heights. In professional language we call this Hi-Poly modeling. We use programs which generate and detail high quality surfaces of landscape in a step by step manner. If necessary, the geometry can be adjusted
Upon completion of the geometry and landscaping, we start with the texturing process. This step determines the colour components of the location and also helps to achieve the desired degree of texture and realism with the help of masks taken from height maps.
It can be a rocky surface, a sandy place, an area rich in vegetation or many other natural elements depending on the selected terrain type.
The final level of detail is to add small textures like grass, sand, land, stones and other tiny elements which can only be seen at close range.
Maps at your disposal!
Of course, the map-design process does not end when there is simply land and many cubic metres of sea. The map is given to other specialists whose job is to breathe life into it. They add realistic water movement, sounds, and a lighting system as well as various interactive and special elements.By doing this, the map turns into a gaming universe where players can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of sea battles!