Tier VI – Independence 6级-独立级
In 1943, the construction of the heavy-striking Essex types was far from complete. In order to strengthen the aircraft carrier fleet, relatively small ships were added to it as bulk. In 1942 and 1943, light aircraft carriers such as the Independence class were added, rebuilt on top of unfinished models of the Cleveland cruiser series. Because of its modest size, the Independence carries only 2 all-purpose guns on board and therefore does not do well in close battles. However, it has high cruising speed at 32 knots, which was inherited from the cruiser origins. The ship also boasts a fairly strong anti-aircraft defence. 在1943年,由于埃塞克斯级航母还没有建成,为了强化机动部队,需要一些相对较小的航母。在1942-43年,诸如独立级之类的轻型航母就出现了,独立级是由克利夫兰级巡洋舰的船体改造的。 由于独立级中等的体积,该型航母只能在甲板上安放两门高平两用炮,因此在近距离作战中很吃亏。不过,得益于克利夫兰级船体带来的高达32节的航速。该型航母依然能在航空战中发挥作用。