Hello warriors, 勇士们好: in 0.9.8 Test 2, the Domination mode moved to more maps. These seven maps are: Domination (the original map for the mode), Lost City, Karelia, Himmelsdorf, Cliff, Sand River and Mines. It is also possible to now use gold shells in the mode. 在9.8二测中,统治模式有了更多的地图。一共有7张地图,分别是:统治(专用地图)、失落之 城、卡累利阿、锡莫尔斯多夫、海岸争霸、荒漠小镇和湖边的战斗。现在这个模式可以用金币弹 了。 This is how the setup looks: 地图配置如下: [编辑:不详]