9.10日系4级重坦 九五式重战车数据
2015-06-29 23:45来源:网络发布者:爱好者新手卡|游戏下载
9.10日系4级重坦 九五式重战车数据
Hello warriors, 勇士们好: this is the Japanese tier 4 heavy from the upcoming 0.9.10 Japanese branch. 这是9.10将推出的本子重坦线上的4级车。 
Description: 车辆说明: The Japanese Type 95 heavy tank was built upon the Type 91. It was a multi-turret inter-war period tank, influenced by the Italian and German tank industry.The main turret was equipped with a 70mm gun but there was also a 37mm gun and a pair of 6.5mm machineguns. 4 prototypes were built. 日本的九五式重战车是基于九一式重战车制造的。这是一种在两次大战之间制造的多炮塔坦克,受到了意大利和德国坦克的影响。主炮塔装一门70mm炮,另外还有一门37mm炮和两挺机枪。共制造了4辆原型车。 等级:4级重坦 HP:430 发动机:290 hp 重:29.228 tons 单位功率:9.92 hp/t 最高时速:22/10 km/h 车体转向:30 deg/s 炮塔转速:33.4 deg/s 地面阻力:0.959/1.151/2.014 视野:340 电台:443.2 车体装甲:35/30/? 炮塔装甲:30/25/? 主炮:70mm 均伤:110 穿深:70.4 射速:17.647 DPM:1941.2 装填:3.4 精度:0.384 瞄准:2.4s 俯仰角:-12/+20
Armor: 装甲图: 
