令对手恐惧的神车推荐 支援型反坦SU100
顺便提一句,如果新手想刷效率,推荐D25S,因为3炮就1000伤害啦10炮就逆天啦当然,记得580血也不是能浪费的。 现在我们来讲一讲它的防御,首先上图。 看上去很简单,但是打SU-100时候千万小心。 为什么?当你看到均伤390的炮瞄着你,心里一定会有点慌,此时,只要记得一句话!别!打!炮!盾! 先来讲讲辉煌历史: SU-100被这张图上炮遮掉的位置,也就是炮盾下部,曾经被SU100Y打穿,未掉血。SU-100炮盾上部,被WZ-111打中(不知道是不是金币蛋),被IS-3打中,被护士打中,没掉血。很难说SU-100的炮盾是不是Serb动过手脚的!但是如果你看到SU-100,瞄着右边脸打,打炮盾位置说不定能让你再吃一发D25S到时候就砸键盘吧~ 接下来是我在美服官网上找到的东西: The SU-100 is a support vehicle. Its thin armor and low hit points (even for a TD) means it cannot and will not take much punishment before becoming a smoking wreck. Most tanks your tier and above won't have to aim for weak spots to damage you. However this TD has the biggest punch of its tier, capable of crippling or outright destroying any tank it faces. The choice of higher DPM on the D10S or higher alpha damage on the D-2-5S allows for different styles of play. The 100mm is more suited for true "Tank Destroyer" sniping with a good aim time, decent reload, and acceptable accuracy. The 122mm is suited for ambushes, surprise attacks, and supporting your allies on a push to the enemy base. However its slow aim time and long reload means that after a shot it must find cover. The SU-100 also benefits from good camo, so it can do both roles without the enemy noticing. Overall it is an excellent but tricky tank to master. SU-100是一部支援型TD,即使作为TD,它的装甲和血量也是很渣的,所以它在被打成废铁之前不能经受很多攻击(我都抗了100Y和111的炮弹了!)。大部分6,7,8级坦克见到你只需要右键自动瞄准,然后开火。然而,这部TD的122口径D25S能让所有它见到的坦克非死即残。SU-100提供2种快感:高DPM的D10S,或者单发伤害更高的D25S。100mm口径D10S更适合那些真正的TD打法玩家,因为瞄准时间更短,装弹时间更短,精度更高。122mm口袋D25S更适合埋伏,突然袭击,或者在推进途中支援你的队友,尽管由于瞄准时间变长+装弹时间变长,你需要开炮后立马找掩体。SU-100同样拥有极好的隐蔽,所以如果你够屌,干啥都不会被敌人发现。当然,这是一部非常NB但是有点复杂的TD。 [编辑:nak]