1119你问我答 T100和RU251入选苏德轻坦
2013-11-19 10:09来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文
So, according to the SEA server info, there is a transfer open from SEA to US. Vietnamese region only. 根据海服所言,现在有一个可以让大家从越南服转移到海服的机会(注:此处SS犯了错,并不是海服转服到美服,而是VN服→Sea服,也就是越南服转移到海服,整件事和美服没有一点关系。) - historically, the T-54 before T-62A is correct, there will apparently be no new tier 9 tank to replace the T-54 as a T-62 predecessor (it will stay as it is now) 从历史角度来说,T-54出现在T-62A之前是正确的,不会有辆新的⑨级车代替T-54作为T-62的前身(总之就是不会改动就对了) - the crew XP per battle value has an error (displays half of what it should be), it’s just an UI error (will be fixed) 平均组员每场获得的XP有问题(只显示真正获得的值的一半),这只是一个UI错误罢了(会被修复) - it’s possible (but not guaranteed) that the “armor quality” modifier will return in historical battles (SS: for those who don’t remember, in very early WoT versions, there was a modifier that multiplied the armor by certain value, based on the armor quality: for example, regular armor had the value of 1, high quality mid-war RH German armor had the modifier of 1,1, making it effectively 10 percent thicker – it was removed, because it confused the players IIRC) 有可能(但是不保证)会让“装甲质量”这个参数再度回到游戏的历史战模式中(SS:科普下,在WOT的“上古时代”,曾经有个可以与装甲厚度相乘的系数,而这个系数是基于装甲质量而定的:举个栗子,常规装甲的系数是1,而二战中期德国的压制钢的系数是1.1,让它在等效装甲的层面上比原来厚10%—我没记错的话,这个机制后来由于会造成玩家的困惑而被移除了) - optional hulls are not guaranteed to appear as equal option to the usual hull: for example, T-54 could get two variants (first with more armor, the other lighter and faster), while second hull for T-34 will be better in all respects (more armor, better mobility) 可选车身并不保证会与常规车身作为对等的选项出现:举个栗子,T-54可能会有两个车身(第一个装甲很厚,但另一个装甲变薄了,但是速度提高了),以及T-34的第二个车身从各方面角度来讲表现都比第一个好(装甲更厚了,机动性更好了) - SerB states you turn “blue” by “systematically shooting your allies” SerB表示你会因为“连续的射击友军”而变成“蓝名” - RU251 is still scheduled to be tier 8 German light tank, its balancing has not yet begun 现在德国8级轻坦的候选车依然是RU251,对它的平衡工作还没有开始 - it’s possible there will be WoWp for iOS/Android (like WoT Blitz) too 未来有可能会有给iOS/安卓开发的战机世界(就像手机版坦克世界一样) - the Soviet tier 8 light tank is not yet ready, there are candidates however (SS: possibly the T-100, posted here at the end) 苏联的8级轻坦还没决定好,但是已经有了候选车辆了(SS:应该是T-100吧,见下图) 【更多精彩视频尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 - all tanks get the same team distribution (SS: as in spend the same amount of battles on the top and bottom of the team) with one exception: arties 所有的坦克的队伍分布都是一样的(SS:也就是作为班长和垫底出现的次数差不多)除了一个例外:火炮 - WoT Generals will most likely not work on e-ink readers such as the Onyx Magellan WOT 将军很有可能无法在类似于Onyx Magellan这样的电子书上运行(毛制电子书,大概和国内的毕生,汉王差不多——译注) - there are not enough data that would suggest the 75mm KwK 44 L/70 is more powerful than the 75mm KwK 42, that’s why they have idential performance in game. Its pen won’t be buffed (SS: yes, I tried to find some more data on that model, but there is very little indeed) 现在的数据不足以表明75mm KwK 44 L/70比75mm KwK 42更强力,这也就是它们在游戏内的表现一样的原因。它的穿深不会被加强(SS:没错,我试着去找了一些关于那个型号(指75mm KwK 44 L/70)的更多的数据,但是数据确实太少了) - there are apparently no curreng German historical candidates to replace unhistorical guns on some German tanks 现在没有能够把那些非史实的炮从德国坦克上换下来的一杆候选炮 - there are no data from Bovington available on TOG-2R and TOG-3 projects 伯明顿那边没有什么关于TOG-2R和TOG-3计划的可用的数据 - the reason the King Tiger had 120mm LFP in the first place (unhistorical) is that a part of data from Kubinka stated 100mm, another part stated 120mm, SerB states it’s completely possible different single vehicles had 120mm LFP 虎王正面首下一开始是120mm(非史实)的原因是因为库宾卡来的一部分数据写的是100mm,但是另一部分写的是120mm,SerB表示只有一辆车上出现120mm的数据是完全有可能的 - Q: “Why is the commander’s copula on King Tiger 150mm thick instead of historical 120mm?” A: “Well, okay, since you ask, we will nerf it” 问:“虎王的车长观察塔为什么是150mm厚而不是史实的120mm厚?”答:“哦,好吧,既然你问到了这个事情,那我们就Nerf一下它吧” - currently there are no plans for crew skill rework 现在没有要对组员的技能进行重制的计划 - two new mechanisms would have to be implemented for Strv 103 and other hydraulic suspension vehicles to appear 为了让Strv 103以及其他液压悬挂的车辆出现需要再向游戏内引入两个新机能 - currently the mechanism where selecting a different gun would rename the tank based on its configuration is not developed (SS: for example – 75mm L/24: Panzer IV Ausf.D 75mm L/48: Panzer IV Ausf.G) 现在,选择不同的炮就会把坦克以不同的配置来命名的机能还没有被开发出来(SS:举个栗子—75mm L/24:四号D型,75mm L/48:四号G型) - the reason the tier 5 Panzer Sfl.IVc was implemented with its superstructure up is that it couldn’t move with the armor pulled down 5级的Sfl.IVc在游戏内以它的上层装甲全部升起的模样出现的原因是它在装甲放下(大盒子展开时)是无法移动的 - Sturmtiger’s mortar shot was not modelled yet 突击虎的迫击射击还没有被建模 【更多精彩视频尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 |