1121你问我答 新版新增奖励与失败收益
2013-11-21 13:47来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文
Helloeveryone, looks like wehave some changes upcoming in the T29 Heavy mantlet. For those who don’tremember, the T29 mantlet looks currently like this: 大家好,看上去T29的炮盾似乎会有一些变化。T29的炮盾现在是这样滴。 Yesterday,Chieftain managed to quickly visit the Fort Benning base, where the real lifeT29 is located to do some measurements. Here are a few pictures of the event,as published on his Facebook page 昨天,Chieftain游览了下美帝的本宁堡基地,在那里对历史上的T29进行了测量。酋长还把测量过程中的一些图片贴到了Facebook上: As you cansee from the photos, the mantlet is significantly thinner than it is in the game. 稍有常识的人都能看出,倘若我们的测量继续下去,T29这个螳臂当车的炮盾,难道能够阻挡得了我们的锉刀么?与那些无耻玩家的说法恰恰相反,我们的锉刀保持了最大程度的克制…… As toT29/34/30 mantlets, the gun area appears to be about 10〃, and within 5〃 of thegun thins down to 8〃 where it stays. The only thicker areas are the ‘wings’ and‘overhangs’ at the top and bottom, which are a good foot thick but will merelyframe the mantlet. 对于T29/34/30的炮盾,炮管周围一小圈(应该就是炮根)的装甲厚度是10英寸(254毫米),炮管周围5英寸(127毫米)以内的炮盾厚度为8英寸(203毫米),炮盾周围一圈装甲最厚。
- 第1页:11月21日 新增奖励与失败收益
- 第2页:坦克世界你问我答