1121你问我答 新版新增奖励与失败收益
2013-11-21 13:47来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文
Based on thatstatement, here’s a drawing from FaustianQ (US forum) on how it might actuallylook like in milimeters: 基于上述结果,美服的FaustianQ画了一幅T29炮盾装甲的实际分布图。 Well, atleast that’s what Chieftain measured. Whether this will be implemented into thegame (or when) is not known. It is possible the developers will take the sameroute with T29 like they did with the Tiger – they might nerf the armor andoffset it with something else. I am not well versed in US tanks, but what Ithink happened is that the original 279mm were taken from Hunnicutt’s book (asit was projected for the tank to have the mantlet this thick). That’s thereason this might actually go both ways and T29 might stay as it is. 好吧这只是酋长测试的结果,是否或者何时会对美国大头系列动刀还不得而知。毛子们可能会像平衡护士一样平衡T29:削弱它的装甲然后通过其他方面的增强来补偿下。SS表示他不太了解美帝坦克,但是他认为最初29炮盾279毫米厚的数据是来自Hunnicutt老兄的书的,因此T29也有可能就保持现在这样。 -Q: “Why is it possible to actually destroy a tank by shooting it in its commander’scopula?” Q:毛子毛子,为什么打车长指挥塔能够摧毁坦克啊? A: “It’s possible to destroy a tank by a shellpenetration, by the penetration of shell fragments or by fragments of its ownarmor in the area behind armor. Commander’s copula provides direct access forthe shells and their fragments to the area behind armor. So the logic is there.It’s like to complain that a house is also accessible via chimney, not just viadoor. It’s possible – not easy, but possible”. A:炮弹穿透,炮弹破片击穿或者坦克中弹区域后崩裂的装甲碎片都能够摧毁坦克。车长指挥塔为炮弹及其破片提供了一个通往坦克内部的直接通道。就像你不一定要通过门,也可以通过烟囱进入房间一样。这是有可能实现的,不那么容易,但是有这个可能。 -regarding the above question, when asked how come parts that do not providesuch access (such as AC48 rangefinder) do cause vehicle damage too: “Well, thetracks don’t repair in real life 6 seconds either, in real life the barrel canbend when crashing into trees… you know what I mean” 有人又问,有些部件并不与车体连通啊(比如AC1948的测距仪),为毛击穿还掉血啊?毛子:要真实?参军去。 - SU-100Y has two AP shells. The AP shellwith increased power (gold shell) loses the penetration a bit faster overdistance than the regular one, but the difference is negligible SU-100Y有2种AP弹。金币弹(加威力减穿深,550均伤171穿那个)随着距离增加穿深衰减比银币弹厉害,但是两者的差距小得可以忽略不计。 - HESH shells in WOT are simply HE shellswith increased penetration 在WoT里HESH弹就是加了穿深的HE弹。 - SerB states that the Vbaddict site mapwinrate statistics are “very far” from the truth SerB称Vbaddict网站的地图胜率统计数据完全和事实不符。 - SerB states that the LFP of King TigerCOULD have been 120mm on some pieces, WG decided that the 100mm “paper value”is “more correct” SerB还说说虎王首下的某些地方可能是120毫米,但是WG认为100毫米首下的纸面数据更为正确(我们的游戏很科学。 - there is no data on a King Tiger (E-75)turret, that could hold the 105mm L/100 没有资料显示虎王或者E-75的炮塔能够容纳105mm L/100炮。 - there are enough ideas in WoT for 10major (0.8.0, 0.9.0 etc.) patches 毛子对WoT 1.0版本的重要补丁(像0.8.0,0.9.0什么的…)有足够的点子。 - about time limits: WoT is limited byappearance of smoothbores, WoWp is limited to the first generation of jets,WoWs is limited to the point when battleships lost their importance, eg.roughly the same time period 关于年代限制:WoT不允许出现滑膛炮。战机世界是以第一代喷气机的出现作为界限而战舰世界则是以战列舰失去他们的地位的年代(大约都在一个时间)作为界限。 - SerB has not watched the “Megafactories”show on WG yet SerB还没看WG的Megafactories(“超级工厂”?)秀。 -Veider: there will be a new award (Top Gun, Confederate style) for damage donein battle: top damagers (under certain conditions) in the losing team willrecieve the same amount of credits and XP as if they won Vieder:会有新的奖励(类似于勇士和火力支援):输出主力。在失败的一方打出最高伤害的玩家(在特定情况下)会获得和胜利一样的银币和经验收益 -Sniper medal will be significantly reworked 神炮手勋章获得的条件将会有显著的改变。 -apparently, older collision models of suspensions will be reworked to feature a“hole” in the middle, like this: 似乎旧的碰撞模型将会被重制,在悬挂这地方要开个洞…如图所示。 -Sturer Emil will not recieve a better stock gun (“And what tank you can’tpenetrate with 169mm on tier 7? Stop smoking that already”) 埃米尔不会有更好的白版炮(你169的穿深有什么打不穿的7级车?六字真言拿好不送 - no plans for destructable (changeable) terrain for now 可摧毁(或者可改变)的地形现在不会有 Havok will bring destructable spaced armor (parts of it torn off) Havok引擎会带来可摧毁的间隙装甲(一部分会掉下来) - only some tanks will have optional hulls 只有一些坦克有可选车体 Tanitha (SEA server) on roaming punishment: “Its likely or at least possible that any rule violations on a non home server, will result in the roaming feature of the player being switched off permanently. Breaking the rules on another server, isn’t a good option.” 海服的Tanitha对于漫游处罚的看法:比如你是海服的,在美服违反规定,那你的漫游资格也许会,至少有可能会被永久取消。在别的服务器上违规可不是一件好事。 【更多精彩视频尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]
- 第1页:1121你问我答 新版新增奖励与失败收益
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