1217你问我答 玩MMO很自豪六级车的世界
2013-12-17 10:55来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- according to Storm, the statement that World of Tanks (on any settings) performs (FPS) worse than any other MMO game is false - 根据Storm君的说法,关于坦克世界(任何配置下的)的游戏表现(主要是FPS方面)比其他MMO游戏差的说法纯属扯淡 (我有WOT我自豪) - the IS-6 event is enormously popular on Russian server, Storm states he is proud for the WG folks who invented it, because there hasn’t been such an activity for a very long time ( - 在毛服,玩家们正热火朝天的参与免费得-6的活动,Storm君说他为创造出这个活动的WG员工感到自豪,因为很久很久没有推出过这样的活动了 来自毛服的图,你们感受一下6级车的数量 - Storm adds that with such numbers, tier 6 vehicles will sometimes have to wait in a queue - Storm说,你们也看到了,这么多6级车,排队会花很长时间的 - Storm states it’s not possiblem to fix such huge tier 6 queues by creating tier 6 only battles, because that would break the even battletier spread rules (SS: as in, tanks have to drop to lower and higher battletier battles evenly), hence some tier 6′s will occasionally have to wait - 建一个专门给6级车的战场来解决排队过长的问题?Storm君说不大可能,因为这样会破坏战斗等级分布规律(SS:举个栗子,如果有这个专门的战场,坦克最终将会进行更低级或者更高级的房),然后有些6级车最后还是要等) - “World of Infantry will most likely not come, but WG is working on a new, yet unannounced project…” - “步兵世界”应该不会出,但是WG现在正忙于做一个新的还未公布的项目 - the “unannounced project” will definitely be an online game, according to WG developers, singleplayer games are slowly disappearing from the scene, MMO games are apparently considered to be the future (SS: wut?) - 这个未公布的项目肯定会是一个在线游戏。根据WG开发者的说法,单机游戏正逐渐走向衰落,MMO才是未来的王道(SS:蛤?) - the main playerbase for Xbox WoT are American players, that’s why the early version has no Soviet tree - Xbox上的坦克世界,主要游戏人群是美国玩家,这就是为什么早期版本里没有苏联坦克树 解释一下这几天为何出的晚 一个是原文确实出的不太早,另一个是在某一次(大概3天前?)QA里,SS说近期的常规内容不会多(我们很忙),但会经常放出一些追加内容,这也就是为什么这两天的番外篇尤其的多。为了整合尽可能多的信息,我就每次等放出足够多的内容之后再开始做(不然题目都没法起) 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]