1216你问我答 坦克世界圣诞礼物提前曝光
2013-12-16 10:15来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载分页|全文
Not much today, but with coming patch and holidays, developers will have less time to answer (like last year) 今天内容不多,因为新版本和要过节的原因,开发者们没多少时间回答问题(就像去年那样)。 - the way of balancing tanks by winrate is correct according to Storm 根据Storm的说法,根据胜率来平衡坦克的方法是正确的。 - apparently, Object 268 is not OP, it has worse winrate than Maus 稍有常识的人都能看出,268工程并不强势(overpower),它的胜率比老鼠还差。 - according to Chieftain, the roaming feature is not yet ready, they are still working on fixing some bugs Chieftain说,漫游机制还没做好,还有些bug要修复。 as you probably all know by now, we will be given a gift tank on 25th of December – the Light Tank Mk.VIc. Here are its characteristics (patch 8.10): 正如你们所知,我们在圣诞节那天会给你们圣诞礼物——Mk.VIc轻型坦克。 以下是它的参数(8.10版) Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver) 成员:3(车长,炮手,驾驶员) Tier: 2 级别:2 MM weight: 3 分房权重:3 (最多进3级房) Health: 150 血量:150 Hull armor: 14/13/6 车身装甲:14/13/6 Turret armor: 14/14/11 炮塔装甲:14/14/11 Maximum speed: 52,5/20 极速:52.5 Viewrange: 300 视野:300 Radiorange: 375 电台覆盖范围:375 Engine: 88 hp Meadows E.S.T.L. 发动机:88马力Meadows E.S.T.L. Weight: 5000kg 重量:5吨 Power-to-weight: 17,6 hp/t 推重比:17.6 Engine fire chance: 20 percent 发动机起火几率:20% Hull traverse: 40 车体转向:40 Terrain resistance: 1,1/1,3/2,3 履带适应性:1,1/1,3/2,3 Gun: 15mm BESA 主炮:15mmBESA
- 第1页:12月16日 圣诞节礼物提前曝光
- 第2页:坦克世界圣诞礼物提前曝光2