1213你问我答 部分炮塔被掀造成次伤害
2013-12-13 14:56来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Just a quick piece of info, the new developer Yurko2F answering the developer questions actively is apparently Zlobny’s replacement, not some random guy 啊,先说一下,在QA帖子里的回答问题的那个新的开发人员Yurko2F是来顶替Zlobny的位置的,不是某路人甲 - damage system will not be “completely reworked” 伤害系统不会被“完全重制” - branches will not be “completely reworked” (SS: some player is complaining about branches not being historical, just regular Russian whine) 科技树也不会被“完全重制”(SS:有些玩家在抱怨说科技树是非史实的,当然,又是毛服玩家的日经抱怨) - models, shell velocities and shooting and aiming mechanism are also fine the way they are (SS: “question” from the same whiner) 模型,炮弹速度以及射击/瞄准机制现在都没什么问题(SS:同一个喷子的“问题”) - camouflage looking “bland” in 8.10? “Version 8.10 is not yet out” (SS: as in, it will be fixed) 8.10的金币涂装看起来颜色有点“偏淡”?“8.10还没正式上线呢我说”(SS:也就是说,它会被修复的) - Q: “If a replay is actually a saved set of commands from the server, why is it impossible to watch it from the POV of any player?” A: “Replay is a set of commands for one concrete player, not for the entire team. For what you mention, currently we are developing the serverside replay mechanism, where you will be able to witness the battle from the POV of any player from both teams” 问:“如果录像文件是保存了服务器端的一系列指令的话,为什么现在无法以任意玩家作为主视角观看录像?”答:“录像是一系列服务器对某个特定玩家的指令集,并不是一整个队伍的。鉴于你提到了这个事呢,我们现在正在开发服务器端回放机制,这样你以后就可以以交战双方的任意一名玩家作为主视角观察录像了” - there was some hoax running around that tanks with high amount of battles will recieve a “veteran” status with some bonuses, Storm states he said no such thing 现在有小道消息说战斗场次足够高的坦克会有一个“老兵”属性,并且获得一定量的加成,Storm表示说跟本没有这事 - you will not be able to rip off the turret of a vehicle, that has been already destroyed. Storm states: “The turret will be a fully-modelled object subjected to the same rules as a tank, so if it falls on your tank from above, the effect will be roughly the same as if another tank of the mass and weight corresponding to the one of the turret fell on your tank from above.” 你是无法把一辆已经被摧毁的坦克的炮塔再次掀翻的。Storm说:“炮塔会是一个遵从坦克的一些规则的完全建模的物体,所以如果它从天上掉到了你的坦克上,效果就和一个与炮塔质量差不多的坦克从天上掉到你车上差不多” - it’s not yet sure, whether a tank, destroyed by the above mentioned turret effect, will count as a frag 现在还不确定一辆坦克如果被上述炮塔砸死(被炮塔砸死)的话要不要算成一次击杀(炮塔的主人击杀了另一辆坦克) - Storm states that the work on 8.10 is going well, bugs have been fixed, second test will show whether the patch will be released on time Storm说8.10的工作进展顺利,Bug也都修复了,第二轮测试会决定补丁是否能准时上线 - only certain specifically defined tanks will have the possibility of a turret being ripped off (not all) 只有某些特定的坦克的炮塔会有炮塔被掀翻的效果(并不是所有的坦克都可以做到) - the point of impact of the turret (where it will will fly after the explosion) will be random 炮塔的冲击点(也就是被炸飞之后的落地点)是随机的 - it will be possible for a ripped off turret to fly up and then back down on the wreck of the tank 如果炮塔被炸飞,它是有可能直上直下的飞一圈最后掉回到已经被摧毁的坦克身上的 - the flying turret trajectory will not be influenced by modules installed 炮塔的飞行轨迹将不会被所安装的模块所影响(炮塔型号——译注) - HE and HEAT shells will not penetrate the soft objects in 8.10 with pen loss, because both types of shells are equipped with fuses, that can realistically go off, if they smash into such an object HE和HEAT弹在8.10中是无法通过损失穿深来击穿可摧毁物体的,因为这两种弹药都装有导火线,他们在现实生活中如果撞击到某物体上时会爆炸。 - the developers view the automatic player search for team battles “positively” 开发团队对于玩家可以自动搜寻7/42队伍一事的看法是“正面的” - a player is asking, why doesn’t tank’s MM weight depend on what battletier it drops on (whether it is on the top of the team or on the bottom), because some tanks are very powerful when they are on top and they are really weak on the bottom. Developer answers that this is because the effectiveness of a tank doesn’t directly depend on the battletier of the battle it got in. He also adds that the probability of a tank to be either on top or bottom of the team depends on what tank tiers are available in the queue at that moment on the server, but only slightly. 有玩家在问,为什么一辆坦克的MM权重不取决于它所进入的战斗的战斗等级(也就是说这辆车是班长还是垫底),因为部分坦克在做班长的时候真的很强力,但是在垫底时却有些弱。开发团队表示说这是因为一辆坦克在战斗中的作用并不直接与它所进入的战斗的战斗等级所挂钩。他还表示一辆坦克是否作为班长或者垫底出现是取决于它进入队列的一瞬间时,排队队列中可用的坦克等级,但是这种影响还是很小的。