12月19日你问我答 WOT注册用户超7500万
2013-12-19 14:07来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- there is no abnormal amount on draws in team battles, apparently the tournament rule of “whoever gets more points, wins” will not be implemented 现在7V7模式的平率不算太高,所以暂时没有计划加入"平了就看哪个高分来确定输赢"这样的规则。 - HE shell damage on modules suffers from the same penalties for non-penetrating hits like the regular tank damage HE弹未击穿坦克的时候,对模组的伤害衰减和平时打坦克一样 - the M103/T110E5 120mm gun grind is just fine M103/T110E5上的120炮的点亮经验不多不少刚刚好 - in December, World of Tanks registered 75 mil. registered players worldwide 截止在12月前,WOT在全世界共有7500万个注册用户 - online peak (for all servers?) this year was 1,152,261 users 本年最高上线人线是1,152,261个人(不知道是不是所有服) - 17 billion tanks were destroyed in 2013 -2013年共打了170亿架坦克 - 201 billion shots were fired in 2013 -2013年共打了2010亿发炮弹 - the amount of WG employees worldwide exceeded 2200 WG在全世界共有2200名员工 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]