1220你问我答:新勋章机制 百运将遭黑手
- Wargaming has no sources, that would confirm the “information” that IS-3′s pike nose cracks in welds after being hit by 100mm shells WG并没有任何文献可以证明“IS-3的’尖鼻子‘会在被100mm炮弹打过之后在焊点处断裂”这个消息。 - apparently current IS-7 is fine, it’s being used often in clanwars according to Storm and it represents a threat to other tanks 现在的IS-7还好,Storm表示它在军团战中被用的很多,而且它对于其他坦克来说也代表着一种威胁。 - apparently in 8.10 the feature to gain mastery badge multiple times (SS: only the first time will count though) that was planned will not appear, it will appear in patch after that 8.10中原定的可以多次获得M章的机制(SS:但是只有第一次会算数)不会在8.10吧内出现,它会在8.10之后的下一个版本出现。 - the rule above will apply for all the badges (all classes), mastery badges will of course not reset, there will be no “sum” of recieved mastery badges as a separate window in the Achievements tab 上述机制会适用于所有的四种章(1,2,3,M),现有的M章也不会因此而重置,也不会在成就列表中单独列一个窗口说明你所拿过的M章的总和数量是多少。 - Yurko2F (answering lately in SerB’s thread) works on “technical game designer” position Yurko2F(最近在SerB的帖子里回答问题的那个人)在“游戏机制设计”这个岗位上工作。 - KV-2 will not recieve an arty mode in WoT WOT中的KV-2不会有火炮模式的。 - T-34/85 will not get the 100mm gun back T-34/85的100mm炮不会回归了。 - Q: “There were 1100 tanks of tier 6 in the queue, I entered the queue with my tier 6 tank and instead of MM putting together a battle of tier 6 only tanks immediately, I waited for 58 seconds and then I ended up on the bottom of a battletier 7 team, what the hell?” A (SerB): “Definitely a conspiracy!” (SS: SerB is trolling here, but the answer why that happened is simple – any of you, dear readers, remembers why?) 问:“队列中有1100辆6级车,我也用我的6级车进入了战斗,MM并没有立即把我丢进一个全都是6级车的战斗,我反而等待了58秒,之后发现自己变成了一个战斗等级为7的战斗的垫底车,这TM闹哪样啊?”答(SerB):“这就是一个阴毛!”(SS:SerB又在婊人了,但是对于这种情况的答案很简单—各位读者,你们还记得吧?) 译注:请自行翻阅几天前的QA。 - it’s possible that not only Soviets will have more tier 10 mediums (SS: Americans and British definitely), but SerB adds that it’s not necessery (“we are not aiming to make all trees symetrical”) 不仅苏联在未来有可能会有新的10级中坦(SS:美国和英国也会有),但是SerB表示并没有这么做的必要(“我们并不想把所有的科技树做成对称的”)。 - it’s possible that WoWp will get a Chinese branch, but for now there are too many holes for it to be implemented 战机世界有可能会有一个中国线,但是现在缺失的飞机太多了,搞不出这条线。 - SerB states that in Kubinka, the majority of Soviet tanks and about half of the foreign tanks are in complete condition (SS: as in, they are not missing engines etc.) SerB表示在库宾卡,大部分苏联坦克以及大约半数的外国坦克都保持着完整的状态(SS:也就是说没有少个引擎之类的)。 Apparently, the chief balancing officer (after Zlobny) is now Veider. 还有,现在的首席平衡师(在Zlobny之后)是Veider了。 - Veider on WT E-100: “its statistics are going down, but I am thinking of nerfing some parameters, it simply doesn’t need them” Veider对于WT E-100的看法:“它的数据在下滑,但是我还是想要砍掉它的部分参数,因为它不需要这么高的参数”。 - later he states that the parameters to be possible nerfed is the aim spread when moving the hull and the turret 过一会他又表示他想Nerf的参数是在移动车身和炮塔时的扩圈系数。 - KV-1S and KV-13 didn’t recieve new track models in 8.10 because “there was no time” KV-1S和KV-13没有在8.10获得新的履带模型的原因是“没空搞”。 - it is not yet decided, what premium vehicles will appear in 2014, but Storm plans to decide until the New Year 现在还没决定2014年究竟要放出什么金币车,但是Storm计划要在新年之前决定好。 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]