坦克世界8.10版本 可摧毁物体击穿机制
2013-12-19 14:52来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, 大家嚎, developer Bigangrycat posted the following explanation of how the penetration of soft objects works on the developer blog. The penetration is introduced in 8.10 – AP and APCR shells will penetrate softer (destructable) objects, such as fences and walls and will continue to fly forward with 25mm penetration loss. 开发团队的一员,Bigangrycat把以下的关于可摧毁物体的机制发在了开发者的博客上。这个机制将会在8.10加入游戏—AP以及APCR弹会穿透一些软的(可摧毁的)物体,例如篱笆和墙壁什么的,但是炮弹还可以继续飞翔。同时炮弹的穿深还要减少25mm作为惩罚。 Here’s how it’s going to work (I modified the developer picture by cutting out the Russian text, I will explain below): 以下就是工作原理(我把图片上的毛文去掉了,下文会有解释) This penetration mechanism does NOT apply to HE and HEAT shells, those work like before. Here, we can see an example of four shell trajectories. As for AP/APCR shells: 这个穿透机制并不适用于HE以及HEAT弹药,它们的效果不会有变化。上图中,假设1,2,3,4为四发炮弹的弹道,全部都是AP/APCR弹: - shell 1 is aiming into the wall, it just stops there and won’t fly further like before 1号炮弹飞到了房子的墙上,它会像老版本一样直接停止飞行 - shell 2 is flying through the stone fence, it will lose 25mm of penetration and will fly further 2号炮弹穿过了石头篱笆,它的穿深减少了25mm,但是依然在继续飞行 - shell 3 is flying through the very soft gate, shell flies through it without penetration loss 3号炮弹击穿了一个非常脆弱的小门,炮弹继续飞行,同时穿深不变 - shell 4 is again flying through the stone fence: if it was a HE/HEAT shell, it would simply destroy the fence without flying further (this is to simulate the fact that HE and HEAT shells have fuses, that do get triggered by such impact) 4号炮弹与2号一样,也击穿了一个石头篱笆:假如它是HE/HEAT弹的话,它会直接把篱笆摧毁掉,并且炮弹不会继续飞行(这是为了模拟HE和HEAT炮弹上有一些会被撞击而引燃的引信)