坦克世界8.10版本 可摧毁物体击穿机制
From the discussion: 以及讨论区的东西: - you might have noticed that there are destructable houses in the game, consisting of “segments” (for example when you run into it, only half breaks down and you have to drive further to destroy it whole. In such a case, every such segment counts as one destructable object, so when you shoot through such a house with two segments (smaller wooden houses for example), both will get destroyed, but the shell will lose 50mm of penetration (25mm for each), while before you needed two shells to destroy such a house 你也许注意到了,现在游戏内有一些可以被拆掉的房子,它们都是由几个“部分”组成的 (栗如说你撞进了房子,房子只倒塌了一半,你需要继续向前开坦克才能把剩下的一半也撞倒。在这种情况下,每个“部分”都只算作一个可摧毁物体,所以当你设计上述的有两个部分的房子之后(比如说小木房),房子的两个部分都会被摧毁,但是炮弹会损失50mm的穿深作为代价(一个部分减少25mm)不像以前,你需要开两炮才能拆掉这样的房子) - at the same time Bigangrycat states that the majority of houses is not penetrable this way 与此同时Bigangrycat也表示游戏中的大部分房子是没办法被上述机制击穿的 - complete list of destructable objects won’t be issued, there are too many 不会有完整的可摧毁物体的列表,因为实在太多了 - penetration will also cause the destruction of the object 击穿各类物体的同时也会导致物体被摧毁 - objects, that earlier didn’t react on shells passing thru them (for example haystacks) will stay the same 以前版本那些不会对炮弹的穿过产生影响的物体(比如干草堆什么的)没有改动 - the “silhouette” will work the way it did until now “敌人的轮廓”会和现在一样,不会有变化(你看不见躲在墙后面的人) 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]