1223你问我答 地形不会影响HE溅射效果
2013-12-23 09:56来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Check out the new World of Warplanes patch on [Overlord’s blog] Overlord的blog上发布了WoWp的新补丁内容,去看看吧。 - apparently, all tiers will have access to all maps in random in WoWp 看上去WoWp中所有等级的飞机都会随机进入所有的地图。 - apparently the smooth zoom transition in 8.10 is working fine according to SerB 据SerB说8.10中的平滑缩放过渡工作正常! - neither water nor any type of terrain (on which the shell lands) influences the HE shell splash 水和任何地形(炮弹落点的地形)都不会影响HE弹的溅射效果。 - Q: “I’d like you to explain why my arty gets too little XP. Please.” A: “How terrible. You’re welcome.” Q:“我想请你解释下为什么我的火炮获取的经验这么少。”A:“这太可怕了。不用客气。” - the Object 430 turret armor has no problems according to SerB (SS: a player complains that it now has the same vulnerability issues like the Object 140 had before the patch) SerB说430工程的炮塔装甲没有问题(SS:有玩家抱怨说430工程有同样的弱点问题,像140工程在这个版本之前那样) - the difference between the two Japanese types of AP shells lies “in their construction”, according to SerB 据SerB说,两种日本的AP弹的区别在于“它们的制造过程” From Overlord: 从Overlord那得来的消息: - replays for WoWp are planned for version 1.2 or later WoWp的录像功能是计划在1.2或更晚的版本中的 Also, the new method for calculating whether the tank is OP or not proved so interesting I will make a summary post tomorrow about it. 还有,计算坦克是否过强的新方法看上去相当有趣,我明天会写一篇关于它的简介。 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]