1226你问我答 日系隐蔽并不是特别变态
2013-12-26 09:43来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- all the servers altogether (RU, EU, ASIA, US) should be able to handle 1.500.000 players at the same time (Russian cluster only wouldn’t be able to handle such an amount) 所有的WG直营服务器一共(毛,欧,海,美)应该能同时承受150万玩家的压力(毛服自己的那一小撮服务器应该不能同时承受这么大的玩家数量) - KwK 44/2 for Panther (Ausf.F) will not be implemented, as there are no significant differences in performance from the KwK 42 黑豹(F型)的KwK 44/2不会有的,因为这杆炮和KwK 42没有什么特别大的差别 - it’s theoretically possible Panther Ausf.F hull will be the stock hull for Panther II 理论上黑豹F型的车身会成为黑豹2的白板车身 - there were no “secret” changes in camo and spotting mechanism in 0.8.10 8.10中点亮和隐蔽机制没有任何“秘密”改动 - Japanese tanks are “not more stealthy than acceptable” 日系坦克“隐蔽系数并不是特别OP” - when assigning camo factor to a tank, both the approach where it is assigned manually and the method where it is assigned automatically based on the vehicle size are used 当给坦克设定隐蔽系数的时候,WG使用的是通过坦克的尺寸给它手动设定伪装值,以及根据尺寸自动设定伪装值这两种方法。 - SerB doesn’t like the fact SU-76 and T-70 can’t meet Tigers in battle (to be historically appropriate), but says he can’t do anything about that SerB并不喜欢SU-76和T-70在战斗中见不到虎式这个事实(为了还原历史),但是他又表示无能为力 - vehicle reliability will not be introduced into WoT. SerB: “Masochists can migrate to other games” 车辆可靠程度不会被引入到WOT中的,SerB表示:“抖M们可以去玩别的游戏啊” - planned server-side replay will be one replay for all the battle members, eg. you’ll be able to see the entire battle from anyone’s POV 现在计划中的服务器端重放可以让一个录像文件记录下所有人的动作,换句话说,你以后打开录像就可以从任意人的主视角观察这场战斗了 - Crusader arty (5.5in) is doing fine statistically 十字军火炮(5.5英寸)的数据表现正常 - players not understanding the exact mechanism of how much XP you gain for what? “How terrible…” 玩家无法理解究竟进行何样的行动才能获得一定量的经验这个机制?“How terrible…” - the fact you can rightclick-look around in sniper mode in a tank and you can’t in a TD is due to the fact players got confused when the view resetted to the TD firing arc 有的车在开镜后可以通过右键锁炮管来360°旋转观察,但是在TD中却不能的原因是部分玩家会不适应TD的射界受到了限制 - dust raised by gun blast wave and other such effects are already implemented into the gun firing camo loss 由于开炮时的冲击波导致的扬起的灰尘以及其他效果早就算进开火时的伪装系数惩罚了 - Q: “Why does IS have -6 depression and KV-1S -8 depression for 122mm gun, when both turrets are practically identical?” A: “How terrible, we should change it to -3 for both” 问:“为什么IS和KV-1S在炮塔都差不多的情况下,一个(IS)的俯角是-6度而另一个(KV-1S)是-8°?”答:“How terrible,我们应该把这两个俯角改成-3°的” - Q: “Do the developers know about the disconnects from server?” A: “*surprised* What? We have servers?! Use your brain a little. If you have one.” 答:“开发团队知不知道玩家们被从服务器上断开的事?”答:“*受到了惊吓*卧槽你说什么?我们居然有服务器?用你那小脑子想一想吧,哦,当然,你得先有才行。” As a result of the “8.10 MM feedback”, Storm states that everything is fine with 8.10 MM 根据“8.10的分房反馈”来看,Storm表示8.10的分房没有问题 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:nak]