1229你问我答 欧系坦克线暂时还不会出
2013-12-30 09:55来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Q: “How the hell are the guns of tier 8 and 9 German Waffenträgers balanced” (SS: as in, physically – so the vehicle doesn’t tip over when firing) A: “You’d have to ask engineer Hans” Q: 8级9级德国武器运载车上的炮是怎么平衡的(SS:是实际上的平衡-开炮时不翻车)A:“那你得问德国工程师去” - Q: “So, if the guns aren’t balanced, how the hell do you aim that thing when the hull is even a bit tilted?” A: “You’d have to ask gunner Fritz” - Q:“那么如果这些炮没平衡,你XX在车体倾斜时怎么瞄准?”A:“那你得问德国炮手去” - historically, Chi-Ri had four types of suspensions planned: two models of Hara suspension, the Bugatti suspension and something called “blocked torsion bar” suspension. Two of those will be implemented on various hulls and we’ll think about the other two too - 历史上,Chi-Ri坦克计划中有4种悬挂,哈拉悬挂的两个改版,布佳迪悬挂,和一种叫做“封锁扭杆”的悬挂。其中两种我们将会加入到不同的的车体里,另外两种我们再考虑考虑。 - various O-I models will be used as much as possible in the Japanese heavy line - 不同的O-I车型的改版会尽量多地出现在日系重坦线里。 - apparently, Italians will be the next nation to be implemented, they will apparently (not confirmed!) have a separate tank tree, but not very soon (SS: if that happens, I’ll get really pissed – Italians have less vehicles available than Czechoslovaks and most of the hightiers are just American copies (M47 with 105mm) or various fantasy crap, there is nothing Italian above tier 7) - 下一个出现的国家将会是意大利线,它们(但不保证)会有自己的坦克树,但近期不会出现。(SS:如果真是这样,老子就怒了-意大利的坦克比捷克还少,而且高等级的基本上就是美系的翻版(105毫米炮的M47),或者一些亮吓眼的垃圾,意大利车根本没有7级以上的) 以下是捷克坦克世界月刊里关于Storm的采访: - Storm started in the Minsk game studio called Arise, that merged with Wargaming in 2007 - Storm开始时是在明斯克(白毛子首都)的一间游戏工作室,名叫Arise,2007年跟Wargaming合并。 - when looking back, he wouldn’t do any significant thing on WoT differently, apart from being more prepared for the huge influx of players (the servers sometimes weren’t handling the popularity of the game) - 回首往事,对于坦克世界他不会做出别的重大的选择,除了没为这么多玩家做好准备(游戏太火服务器受不了) - his big hobby is fishing - 钓鱼是他的大爱好。 - PEGI and ESRB ratings are very important for Wargaming, without them, some regional markets would remain closed – but as for the missing crewmembers, Storm states that the original goal was to make a game without violence elements - PEGI和ESRB的评定对于WG来说非常重要,没了这些,有些区域市场将会依旧关闭。-对于消失的乘员(乘员不会死亡,只是暂时受伤),Storm表示原来的目标是创造一个没有暴力元素的游戏。 - roughly 75 million people around the world play World of Tanks, including women and elderly folks - 全球大概有7千5百万人玩坦克世界,包括了妇女老人。 - the fact Germans already have Panzer 38t and 35t will not damage the quality of the Czechoslovak branch, especially since there are other “copies” between the trees (Storm mentions “twins” in French and German tree) - 虽然德系已经有了38t和35t,但这不会影响捷克斯洛伐克系,尤其其他系里也有“相同”的(比如法系和德系里的双胞胎) - European tech tree will not come earlier than 2015 - 欧系将不会在2015年之前到来。 - the names of the tank crewmembers for EU tree will correspond to the country the tank was built in - 欧系里坦克乘员的名字将取决于坦克的国家。 - Storm states that while WT E-100 is very strong, it might face the same effect as FV215b 183 (SS: that means that while a lot of players consider the vehicle OP, statistically it’s balanced), he admits it might be rebalanced after a few months - Storm表示虽然WT E-100现在很牛,但它有着跟183一样的效果(SS:也就是说许多玩家认为它过强了,但是数据上标明它是平衡的),他承认几个月内它将会被重新平衡。 - historical battles will appear in first half of 2014, WG is actively working on them - 历史战将会在2014前半年到来,WG目前正在积极地施工。 - no list of historical battles’ tanks is planned for now - 现在还没有历史战会用到的坦克列表。 - apparently gold ammo will be limited in historical battles (only to a certain number of rounds, so players don’t spam it) - 在历史战当中,金币蛋使用的数量将有限制(这样玩家就不会乱开炮) - there will be new bonuses for the owners of premium accounts, but it’s too soon to tell - 高级帐号的玩家将会有新的奖励,但具体有啥现在还为时太早。 - there won’t be direct QA with Storm and SerB on EU server (the way Russians have it) - 欧服不会有像毛子跟Storm和SerB这样直接的QA。 - next year, global graphics improvement for WoT is planned (improving the number of polygons, the quality of textures and 3D models) - 明年计划中将会有许多总的画质提升(多边形的数量,和3D模型/纹理的的质量)。 - there will be 2 kilometer and even 4 kilometer maps - 以后将会有2x2甚至4x4公里的地图。 - spotting system will not be cancelled, but it will be reworked. For starters, the amount of camo factor will depend on how many spotting checkpoints are visible (SS: as in, if a tank shows only one spot checkpoint, for example the roof, it will be less visible than a tank just standing in the open) - 观测系统不会取消,但是会被重做。隐蔽的因素取决于有多少个观测指标。(SS:比如说,如果一辆坦克只有一个指标显露,比如车顶,它的隐蔽性将比一辆在平原上的坦克高。)。 - Storm confirms that APCR ammo does lose penetration over distance faster than AP - Storm确认距离越远,APCR蛋的穿深比AP蛋掉的越快