1230你问我答 醉酒毛子说下个版是8.11
2013-12-30 10:36来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Not much today. Players were “whining” more than usual and SerB was just skipping the questions 今天没多少内容。 抱怨声不绝于耳,于是大SerB跳过了很多问题。 - responsibility of clans for the behavior of their members won’t be implemented (SS: as in, automatically punishing the clan is a member misbehaves) - 军团为自己成员的行为举止负责?不会有这样的规则(SS:如果有了,军团里行为不当的人将会自动受到惩罚) - apparently the current aiming system is sufficient for the game (SS: some player was asking about more complicated system, like non-linear aiming times over distances) - 稍有常识的人都能看出,目前的游戏内的瞄准系统是够用的(SS:有些人想要更复杂的系统,举个栗子,根据距离的非线性瞄准时间) - there was no hidden vehicle nerf (SS: in 8.10 apparently) - 没有偷偷削弱某辆车(SS:8.10里) - there was actually a TD based on the IS-4 hull planned, there was also a TD planned on the WZ-111 hull (not 113 though) - 事实上,有个基于-4车体的TD计划,还有个基于WZ-111车体(不是113)的TD计划。 - Q: “What’s the point of waiting for the start of the battle for 2 minutes?” A: “a) putting a team together b) loading of the map for those, who have worse computer than you” - 问:开场前等待两分钟的意义是什么啊? 答:首先,看大家的配置,然后,给那些配置比你差的人时间,慢慢载入地图。 - 122mm HE shells from D-25 do less HE damage than 120mm US shells because of the “construction of the shell” (SS: this is probably true – when researching various guns, one of the data required is the amount of filling of the HE shells, which probably means this is taken into account) - D-25的122mm的HE造成的伤害比美帝120mm的要少,这是因为“炮弹结构”的问题(SS:大概是真的-当研究各种各样的炮的时候,其中一个必要数据就是HE蛋的装药量,也许是把这点考虑进去了) - generally, SerB is satisfied with the way HE shells work - 大体上来说,大SerB对现在HE的机制感到满意。 - there is no turret armor behind the IS-4 mantlet - -4的炮盾后面没有炮塔装甲 - it’s possible that when the multiturret mechanism is implemented, you will be able to fire with the high caliber machineguns (like the 12,7mm AAMG on the top of some vehicles for example), but SerB adds that it will do you little good - 当引入多炮塔机制的时候,有可能允许你使用车顶的机枪(比如一些车上面的12.7mm AAMG机枪),但是大SerB还说,这对你的帮助不是很大