
1230你问我答 醉酒毛子说下个版是8.11

2013-12-30 10:36来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载


  Today, a bug was detected in the 7/42 code, allowing under certain conditions to use tier 9 and 10 tanks in team battles. I assume the same bug probably appeared on EU and US server too, since the patch was the same


  E-75乱入7/42模式,how terrible

  The bug will be hotfixed, but according to the Russian developer, accounts abusing this bug will be permabanned (a few Russians already were actually, a list of who was publicly displayed for once). So… just don’t do it.



  Edit: On 31.12.2013, patch 8.10.2 will come out, apparently fixing this thing. Here is a screenie of one of the Russians, that got permabanned.


  And such is the fate of the cheater (it says “blocked permanently”):


  - exclusive tanks will go primarily to clans. Random battle players will get exclusive tanks via missions similiar to the current IS-6 one (eg. heavy grind)

  - 独有坦克主要是给军团的玩家。随机战场(普通)玩家想要的话就要做类似现在得-6的任务(很麻烦的那种)


  - IS-6 won’t get a penetration buff

  - 6不会有穿深上的加强

  - unification of two accounts won’t be implemented

  - 合并两个账号?不会有

  - next patch will not be 9.0, but 8.11 – it will contain UI features, such as disabling the chat

  - 下个版本不是9.0,而是8.11——包括UI(交互界面)特性,举个栗子,能禁聊天

  - historical battles: the battle of Prokhorovka and the battles around Lake Balaton are planned (in the first wave). There will be the respawn mechanism and there will be non-equal balance (for example one team has 7 tanks and the other has 30). At first, there will be the same maps as there are currently in game, but eventually there will be maps made exclusively for historical battles

  - 关于历史战:普罗霍洛夫卡战役和在巴拉顿湖附近展开的战斗正在计划中(第一波)



  - when logging on the test server, you won’t have all premium tanks at your disposal in your garage, you’ll have to buy them like it was until now

  - 当你登测试服的时候,你的车库里不会有所有的金币车任你支配,你也要像现在这样买


  - garage battles will be in WoWp

  - 风筝世界也会有车(机)库战

  - it’s possible garage battles as a separate game mode will appear in WoT

  - 车库战有可能作为一个单独的游戏模式出现在撸炮世界中。

  - T-44-85 will come in 8.11

  - T-44-85将会在8.11登场

  - newbies have a special MM now: for 20 first battles, newbies play only with other newbies (SS: eg. not sealclubbers)

  - 现在新手有特别的分房保护:前20场,新手只会遇到新手(SS:没屠幼的)

  - there will most likely be new premium tier 8 tanks

  - 很有可能出新的8级金币车。

  - small machineguns will not shoot in the game

  - 游戏里的小机枪是不能开枪的。

  - T95 will not recieve a speed buff

  - T95 buff点速度?少年平时多撸撸炮,别做白日梦了。

  - Italian branch will not be a separate tree, it will be a part of the EU tree

  - 意呆利线不是独立的,它会是欧洲联合线的一部分。

  - There will be a new game mode for clans in 2014

  - 14年会有新的军团游戏模式。

  - There will be a possibility to choose map in “clan battles”(???probably meant Team battles)

  - 也许能在“军团战斗”(啥?你想说7V7吧?)里选择地图

上一篇:1229你问我答 欧系坦克线暂时还不会出 下一篇:1231你问我答 新画质游戏IS-4底盘的TD


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

