1230你问我答 醉酒毛子说下个版是8.11
2013-12-30 10:36来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
- There will not be a separate server for noobs - 不会给菜鸟们建个单独的服务器。 - very soon there will be a WoT Blitz stream - 很快就会有坦克世界:闪电战的steam。 - Mac OS WoT client is being worked on, it will be available soon, currently it’s being tested internally - Mac版的坦克世界客户端正在做,很快就能用了,现在在内测。 - T95E6 will be a reward for Clans with 90 percent probability - T95E6 将会是军团奖励,有百分之九十的可能性。 - WG is experimenting with night battles, currently, there is a new system of spotting and visibility being tested internally - WG正在实验夜战模式,在内测阶段,目前有新的点亮和视觉系统。 - WoT Xbox will be released in the beginning of 2014 - 坦克世界Xbox版将会在2014年年初登场。 - Chaffee branch prolongement won’t be in the next patch - 霞飞的延长线不会在下个版本出来。