
0108你问我答 引入独立悬挂竹子不能隐蔽

2014-01-08 11:14来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载

  - after independent suspension introduction, nothing will change for the aiming or gun stabilization, the change will be visual only

  - 引入独立悬挂之后,瞄准或者炮的稳定性不会有任何变化,唯一的变化在视觉上

  - the fact Chi-Ha is a light tank in the Chinese tree and medium in the Japanese tree is caused by the fact that both armies classified it differently historically (the Japanese Chi-Ha doesn’t have the LT camo bonus though)

  - 97式在中国线上是lt,在日本线上是mt,这是因为历史上双方对这车的分类不一样(日本的97式没有lt的隐蔽加成)

  - Q: “UEFA thinks Israel is in Europe and therefore Israeli tanks should be in EU tree” A: “Unfortunately, we have no agreements with UEFA”

  - 问:“欧足联认为以色列是属于欧洲的啊,所以说以色列坦克应该是归在欧洲线上!”


  (UEFA,Union of European Football Association,欧洲足球协会联盟)

  - there is no “shooting and dying at the same time” in World of Tanks. One of these events happens always earlier, this is not a bug and it won’t be changed

  - 撸炮世界里,不会有“开炮和挂掉发生在同一时间”。其中一件事总是提前发生,这不是bug,未来也不会变

  - there is no corellation between the introduction of the HD client and new engine sounds (SS: new engine sounds will come actually, but it doesn’t depend on the HD client)

  - 引入HD客户端和新引擎直接没什么关联(SS:看上去新引擎会有的,但并不取决于HD客户端)

  - it’s possible that dirt (mud) will make your tank dirty in battle as you go through it

  - 你经过泥土(污泥)的时候,你的车可能会因此变脏

  - it’s possible tracks will “slip” (SS: when the vehicle traction is not enough) in the future

  - 在未来,坦克可能会“滑”(溜坡)(SS:当车辆牵引力不足的时候)

  - changes in JT88? “If we change something, we’ll tell”

  - 改动一下啪啪虎?“如果我们想改点什么,会告诉你的”

  - when balancing the income of a vehicle, “net” income (SS: income after deducting shell and repair costs) is taken into account – furthermore, the use of gold shells is taken into account also (SS: that means that the fact you will have little net income if you spam gold shells is not taken into account)

  - 在平衡车辆收入的时候,“净”收入(SS:去掉弹药和修理费之后)是被纳入考虑的——进一步说,用金币蛋也是会考虑的(SS:如果你乱打金币蛋,净收入很少,这点不考虑)

  - when asked what is better XP gain-wise, to shoot an enemy for full damage, or to finish off one enemy who has low hitpoints for less damage but killing him, SerB answers that mostly it’s better to finish off that one enemy with low hitpoints, removing one shooting gun from the enemy team – by that you increase your chance of victory more and the average recieved reward from battle rises

  - 怎么打经验更合理?是在一个敌人身上打出满伤(但他没死),还是收掉一个血皮,或者说打出不到均伤的一炮但是还是干掉对面一个人?大SerB的回答:应该说更好的方法是,收掉对面的血皮,让敌人彻底少一个能开炮的——这样做会增加你们队获胜的几率,最后的平均战斗收益也会有提高

  - fire and ammo rack explosion does influence income in battle: both do damage to modules and damage to modules counts towards your credit gain

  - 把坦克打着和爆弹药架都会影响战斗收益:打坏相应模块和之后的效果都会增加你的银币收益

  - for now, SerB expects the HD content to be separate from the regular client

  - 目前,大SerB希望把HD的内容从普通客户端里分离出来

  - apparently, bamboo patch (on Pearl River map) has no real foliage, therefore it provides no camo bonus

  - 稍有常识的人都能看出,竹子(在珠江之源(乌蒙雄山))不是”真实的植物“,所以说,它并不能提供隐蔽加成


上一篇:0107你问我答 IS3将有2车身S系增加金币车 下一篇:0109你问我答 年后将有更多弹夹炮坦克


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

