0107你问我答 IS3将有2车身S系增加金币车
- there was never a real “Porsche Jagdtiger”, the only thing that historically existed was the “classic” Jagdtiger with a Porsche suspension (SS: that was not built on Tiger P hull, the hull was the same as that of the regular Jagdtiger) 从来就没有过真正的“保时捷猎虎”,历史上唯一存在的东西是一辆使用了保时捷悬挂的“常规”猎虎(SS:而且这辆坦克还不是基于虎P的底盘建造的,这辆猎虎的底盘和其他常规猎虎底盘是一样的) - IS-3 optional hulls are apparently not sure yet, but most likely there will be two hulls: the regular one (like now) and the earlier prototype one without the pike nose IS-3的可选车身现在还没有定下来,但是很有可能会有两个车身:一个常规的(和现在的很像)以及另一个早期的没有车前面尖鼻子装甲的试验版本车身 - gun stabilization (SS: less rocking of the aim reticle during movement) will not increase when the independent suspension is implemented, according to SerB it is sufficient even now 炮的稳定性(SS:在移动时准星晃动的幅度更小)在独立悬挂机制加入后并不会进一步的提高,SerB表示现在它的稳定性已经很充分了 - there is already the basic technical framework for serverside replays in existence, but Storm states there is still a lot left to do 服务器端录像的基本技术框架已经搭好了,但是Storm表示依然还剩下很多活要干 - it’s possible Stalingrad map will appear in WoT 斯大林格勒这张图有可能会出现在坦克世界中 - Havoc: “when it’s done it’s done, I can’t give you any date” Havok:"when it’s done it’s done,我不能保证它在任何时间会上线" - it’s possible there will be new tier 7 or 8 premium Soviet tanks 以后可能会有新的苏联7级或者8级金币车 - the profitability of premium vehicles that have it better than JT88 (SS: third from above) will remain the same 打钱能力比88虎好的金币车(SS:88虎是打钱能力第三名)会保持不变 - there is not yet a definitive answer about how exactly will the TD gameplay change in the future 现在还没有确切的说法指出TD的游戏性在未来会有何变动 - the render range will change from (current) square with a 1000 meter side to a circle of 700m radius 渲染距离会从(现在的)边长为1000m的正方形变成一个半径为700m的圆形 - there are no plans to change the aiming reticle 没有要改动准星的计划 - there are no plans to change anything for top tier German tanks (SS: as in, change the tanks themselves, not their properties) – at least in 2014 没有要对任何顶级车做出改动的计划(SS:换句话说改动的是坦克本身,而不是它们的各项数据)—起码2014年是这样的。 - the shell path mechanism will remain the same in HD client as it is now 高清客户端下的弹道机制会和现在一样 - dynamic characteristics (SS: as in, you mount equipment and the characteristics of the tank in the garage change) will be added (“it’s done when it’s done”), but for now everyone is working on the new clan functions and historical battles 坦克的动态数据(SS:换句话说,你装备上一些装备,车库中坦克的属性也随之变动)会被加入进游戏(“it’s done when it’s done”),但是现在所有人都在搞新的军团机制以及历史战 - for now it is not known when there will be a buff/rebalance of tier 10 British medium tank 现在对英国10级中坦进行Buff/重新平衡的时间还没有定下来 - there are plans to rework the conditions needed for “curageous resistance” 有计划要重制获得“虽败犹荣”的奖励的条件 - transfer to new Flash (Action Script 3) is planned, Storm is not sure in which patch 有计划要切换到新的Flash版本(Action Script 3) ,但是Storm不确定是在哪个补丁切换