0106你问我答 坦克世界8.11关闭战斗聊天
- in 8.11, the option to disable the battle chat will come, however players with disabled chat will not be marked as such (SS: as in, others won’t be able to see whether your chat is disabled or not) 8.11,关闭战斗聊天功能将会来到,然而那些关闭聊天框的玩家没有标识(ss:也就是说,其它人不能看到你的聊天框是否关闭) - apparently, the option to “thank” a player after battle for his good performance will come in some undisclosed future (SS: if I understand it correctly, because SerB used a phrase that makes no sense to me) 在战斗结束后,“感谢”某一个玩家在战斗中优秀的表现这一功能将会在未来出现(SS:如果我理解正确的话,因为serB用了一个对我来说很难理解的短语) - Lowe ammo rack module size has not changed in 8.10 (SS: only the number of shells carried increased) 狮子弹药架尺寸没有改动,只是载弹量增加了 - Chieftain on US forum states that Wargaming is aware of the T42 Medium Tank (SS: it might theoretically appear in the second US medium branch, but who knows) Chieftain 在美服论坛上说,,WG知道T42中坦的存在(SS:理论上来说它可能会出现在美系二线中坦分支中,但谁知道呢?)