Storm大量爆料 8.11版本顶级TD或将大砍
Hello everyone, 大家好, Storm made another blog post, where he encourages players to ask about the New Year “KTTS” edition (the one with HD graphics introduction). Here’s what was answered in the discussion: Storm又发了一篇博文,鼓励大家多问一些关于新年的“KTTS”特辑(介绍高清图像那一集)。以下是在讨论区回答的一些东西 - the turrets will fly (after ammo rack explosion) off even for those with Havoc disabled, as it is calculated server-side 在不打开Havok的情况下,由于弹药架爆炸而被炸飞的炮塔也一样会飞起来,因为它是在服务器端进行计算的 - the issue whether it will be possible to shoot a house and bury someone in the rubble is still being investigated, but this will most likely not come 通过把人埋在由于楼房被射击而造成的废墟下以达成击杀的问题依然在讨论中,但是这个机制很有可能不会出现 - behavior of the tank will not change by the introduction of the independent suspension, the independent suspension is only client-side visual, the movement pattern will be the same for all the models, because the server doesn’t have the capacity to calculate every roadwheel movement independently 独立悬挂的引入不会影响到坦克的行为,因为独立悬挂只是客户端的视觉效果,而所有模型的移动轨迹都是一样的,因为服务器没有这个能力和资源来计算每一个单独的负重轮的移动 - in historical battles, the amount of ammo carried will be similiar to the real values (SS: limited amount of gold ammo) 历史战中,载弹量会与现实的值相近(SS:限制金币弹数量) - currently, Wargaming is planning to increase crit chances by HE shells (!), it’s possible they will be also further rebalanced otherwise 现在WG有计划要提高由HE弹造成的模块杀伤和乘员杀伤几率(!),未来也有可能进行重新平衡 - the situation where you wait for the MM for (let’s say) 30 seconds to put your vehicle into battle even if there are tons of vehicles of your tier in queue is due to the fact one of the main MM rules is the even spread between battle tiers (SS: as in, the MM is waiting to put your tier 6 tank into tier 8 battle even though there are plenty of other tier 6 tanks in the queue) 当你在MM队列中(假设)已经过去了30秒,但是你看到队列中有很多同级车却一直无法进入战斗时是因为一条主要的MM规则是要把战斗等级均匀的散布开(SS:也就是说,就算队列中还有其他许多6级车,MM也正等待着把你的6级车放进8级房) - developers haven’t decided yet, whether the HD client will be a special client (as in, two clients – one for HD, one regular) or whether there will be simply one client and HD textures will come in a separate (optional) texture pack 开发团队还没决定要不要把高清客户端做成一个特殊的客户端(也就是说两个客户端—一个高清的,一个常规的)或者说只有一个客户端,高清贴图会作为一个单独的(可选的)材质包出现 - Storm states that the option with two client sucks, because there would have to be double testing, double client build assembly etc. Storm说做两个客户端这个主意烂透了,因为他们这样就需要测试两次,打包两份客户端什么的 - the autodetection of settings mechanism will be reworked 自动侦测配置以调整选项的机制会重制 - there will definitely be two renders (improved and old) and two sets of content (regular and HD textures) 会有两套渲染(改进版和老的)以及两套内容(普通的和高清的) - developers haven’t decided yet whether debris from buildings will be able to damage your vehicle 开发团队还没决定是否要把建筑物的碎块做成可以对你的坦克造成伤害与否 - the heavier the flying turret (after ammo rack explosion) will be, the more damage will it do to you if it lands on you 被炸飞的炮塔重量越大,它在落到你车上时所造成的伤害就越高 - Storm states that the fact Maus turret would fly off (if only a bit) after ammo rack explosion is realistic. Storm表示鼠式的炮塔在弹药架爆炸之后飞起来(如果就飞起来一小点)是符合现实的 - tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not keep their DPM (SS: that means some TD’s will have their DPM nerfed too by not only reducing the alpha, but also by not compensating the reduction by ROF buff) 10级TD大砍(SS:降低单发伤害)会在8.11动手,部分TD的DPM不会和现在一致(SS:这就意味着部分TD的DPM不仅会以砍掉单发伤害的形式下降,同时还得不到其他TD得到的射速补偿) - apparently, 9.0 will also bring new sounds for the vehicles (for movement and engine, not guns), such as the realistic “clanking” of tracks (Storm: “Something like that”), there will also be (“when it’s done it’s done”) turret rotation sound 9.0会带来车辆的新声音(车辆移动以及发动机,并不是炮声),例如履带的“叮当响”的声音(Storm:“类似于这些的玩意”),还会有(“when it’s done it’s done”)炮塔转动的声音 - it’s not yet clear when will new reworked chat system come (resp. it’s not clear whether it will be in 9.0 or not) 现在还不清楚重制过的聊天系统什么时候出现(就是说不清楚9.0能不能搞出来) - new tier 8 premium vehicle will not come anytime soon – in one of the recent streams, some community guy (Evilly?) mentioned something about a new tier 8 premium coming soon, but Storm categorically states that it is him, who decides what tank gets released when and that tier 8 premium is not planned for near future 新的8级金币车一段时间内不会有的—在最近几次直播活动的其中一次,有个玩家社区的家伙(Ecilly?)提到了新的8级金币车会出现的。但是Storm坚定的表示自己才是那个决定发布什么坦克以及什么时候发布的人,8级金币车近期也不会再有了 - there are no plans apparently for PhysX introduction 没有计划要引入PhysX引擎(原AGEIA公司开发的一款物理引擎) - armor of turrets flying off will not be considered apparently (Storm states that the ripped off turret will act “just like a destroyed vehicle – impenetrable”), but it will be possible to tip them over on their roof 被炸飞的炮塔不会再考虑装甲值了(Storm表示被炸飞的炮塔就和“一辆被摧毁的坦克一样—没办法打穿”),但是炮塔是有可能出现底朝上的情况的 - “T95 will be a special tank, not regular” (SS: according to this, it’s possible the second American medium branch might not get the T95 as a top tank at all – who knows?) “T95会是个特殊的坦克,不会是常规的”(SS:这么说的话,美国二线中坦的顶级车还有可能不是T95—不过谁知道呢?) - there are no plans for 2014 to introduce the possibility to penetrate dead tanks (wrecks) – Storm: “And do we need it? It could change the gamplay strongly at some points” – later, he adds: “We discussed the option of having penetrable wrecks – it wouldn’t stress the server much. The real question is – why the hell would we do it?” 2014年没有计划要加入可击穿的坦克尸体(残骸)—Storm:“我们真的需要这个?它在某些时候有可能会对游戏性有很大的影响”—过一会他表示:“我们讨论过了这种选项的可行性—它对服务器的负载不会有太大影响。但是根本问题是—我们为什么要搞这个?” - there are no plans to introduce visual “aging” of the vehicle (SS: as in, a vehicle used a lot would look worn out), the only thing that is planned is the tank getting dirty in battle 没有计划要引入坦克在视觉上的“老化”效果(SS:也就是说一辆使用次数过多的坦克看起来就会有些破旧了),唯一计划当中的事情就是坦克在战斗中会变脏 - the damage and penetration of shells in historical battles will not differ from those in random battles, apart from the amount of ammo carried, which will be set in advance (apparently a T-34/76 will carry half of the shells as AP, half as HE and several pieces of gold ammo) 历史战中的炮弹穿深和伤害与随机战不会有区别,除了预先设定好的载弹量以外(T-34/76会带一半AP,一半HE,以及几发金币弹) - it’s not yet known, what kind of computer will be required to run the HD client 现在还不知道到底高清客户端需求什么样的配置 - KV-5 will most likely not be buffed or nerfed anytime soon, Storm states that its stats and profitability are fine KV-5近一段时间内都不会被Buff或者Nerf了,Storm表示它的数据以及打钱能力都还好 - the first part of the HD graphics will come in 9.0 9.0会先带来高清图像的第一部分 - Q: “How will the historical battle interface look?” A: “You’ll see on the common test 问:“历史战的界面是什么样的?”答:“等测试服你就知道了” - Storm “wants to level the profitability of all tier 8 premium tanks to the current Jagdtiger 88 level” (SS: this most likely means an improvement to the majority of tier 8 prems, as Jagdtiger 88 is currently third from above in profitability, according to Storm) Storm“想要把所有8级金币车的打钱能力平衡的和现在的88虎的打钱能力差不多的水平上”(SS:这基本就是对所有的8级金币车的一次Buff,因为Storm表示88虎现在是打钱能力排行榜的第三名) - ammo rack explosion will apparently not damage nearby tanks (Storm states that the explosion is generally contained within the tank), it will not also be possible to make the ammo rack detonate after the tank is dead 弹药架爆炸不会伤害到相邻的坦克(Storm表示爆炸一般来说都是在车内爆炸的),也不能做出坦克死后再把弹药架打爆炸的机制 - large buildings will not be completely destroyable, they will crumble, but their “skeleton” (framework) will remain 大的建筑不能被完全摧毁,它们会崩溃(外墙塌掉?——译注),但是它们的“骨架”(框架)会保留下来 - when demolishing a building (second floor), this will affect most likely the artillery shell trajectory (SS: as in, if you demolish the second floor, it will stop being an obstacle for artillery shell flight) 假设你把一幢房子拆了(把二楼拆了),这么做会影响到火炮的弹道(SS:也就是说,你把二楼拆了,它就不会再阻挡火炮的弹道了) - the optimization for weak computers and the new graphics are both developed at the same time 对老爷机进行的优化以及新的图像效果是同时开发的 - 8.11 will not bring much in the way of optimization: WoT will start running on new BigWorld version (2.4.1) and there will be some small memory and processing optimizations 8.11不会带来特别多的优化调整:WOT将会开始运行新的BigWorld版本(2.4.1),届时将会有一些小的内存以及CPU优化 - more graphic optimization will appear in 9.0: “New graphic features will eat FPS and in order not to fall out of the set boundaries, we’ll have to optimize” 9.0会有更多的图像效果优化:“新的图像机制还是很吃帧数的,为了不跌出我们所设定的界限,我们就必须要进行优化了”