0114你问我答 领土战和任务奖励特殊坦克
- it’s “completely possible” that historical battles mode will bring battles that took place between 1945-1960 (with T-54, Patton etc.) 历史战“完全有可能”把那些在1945~1960年间发生的坦克战加入游戏(比如T-54以及巴顿参战之类的) - for now, it’s not planned for small and medium stones to be destuctable 现在没有要把小型以及中型的石头加入可摧毁物体列表的计划 - Storm states that if the gold shells get nerfed (for examply their damage), their price will not be reduced Storm表示如果金币弹被砍了的话(栗如伤害被砍),它们的价格并不会受到影响(下降) - there are no plans to remove the “tent” that is located inside the base circle 没有要移除基地圈内的“帐篷”的计划 - there are no plans to introduce special crew bonus (like the one given by improved ventilation) to open-topped vehicles, the fact they are open-topped is already taken into account when they are created (SS: as in, in their basic characteristics) 没有要给敞篷车再加入新的组员奖励(栗如通风带来的奖励加成),因为敞篷车所带来的通风加成在创建这些车辆时就已经算入它们的属性中了(SS:基础属性值) Overlord on special tanks being CW and mission rewards: Overlord对于领土战和任务奖励所赠送的特殊坦克: I agree that unique tanks can and should be used as a reward for completing some complex missions. This, however, doesn’t mean that CWs shouldn’t have their own unique content. Global map is quite time- and effort-consuming game mode. Rewards should be respective. 我认为把一些独特的坦克作为部分复杂任务的报酬发给玩家是没有问题的。然而这并不意味着领土战在游戏内会有它们自己的内容。领土战是个很消耗时间和精力的模式。参与其中的玩家理应得到一些奖励。 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:路牙]