0204你问我答 未来将有客户端直播功能
- there are no two arty lines for some nations (SS: Americans could get one) because “we don’t want it for now” 部分国家不会有2条火炮线路,因为我们暂时还不想要 - apparently, TG (Tank Grotte) won’t be implemented anytime soon TG(好像是指的T22中坦)不会加入游戏 - server doesn’t store data about previous manipulation with camo, camouflages, that were bought earlier for gold and “rewritten” will not be awarded retroactively in 8.11 (SS: as in, if you bought gold camo before 8.11 and “deleted” it by buying another camo of the same type for example, you won’t get it back) 服务器不会存储之前用金币买的迷彩、伪装数据,在8.11数据刷新后将不再判定为有效数据(SS:也就是说,如果你在8.11前买的金币涂装,由于再次买了另外一种同类型的涂装而“删除”了它,在8.11更新后,你将不会得到返还。) - as confirmed before, the T23 premium tank will not have identical forward and reverse speeds (Q: “Why not?” A: “Common sense”) T23 倒车和前行速度不会一样。 - there are ideas for camouflage mechanism changes, but they are very far from being implemented 有一些伪装机制边改动的想法,但离真正加入游戏还远着 - the T-54 hull in 8.11 is the 1945 model, there will be more T-54 hulls when alternative hulls are implemented (it’s “completely possible” that the 8.10 T-54 hull will be amongst the first alternative hulls to be implemented, when the concept is introduced) 8.11版本中T54的车体是1945年的型号,以后会有更多的54可选车体的。 - Japanese tier 10 heavy is very far away, it’s not decided how many hitpoints will it have and this decision is far away also 日系10级车还很遥远,血值没有决定,时间也是遥遥无期 - SerB confirms there will be a future possibility of streaming directly from the client, details will come in the future SerB证实未来客户端直接进行视频的直播,细节以后再说。 - some player was asking how come the Conqueror turret is less nominally armored in the game than the Centurion one, SerB kinda mocked him, basically the Conqueror turret simply has slopes and is effectively armored more 一些熊孩子问为啥游戏里征服者纸面炮塔数据比百夫长一还少,SerB鄙视的对他说,总体上征服者的炮塔有斜面,更高的等效装甲值。 - this one concerns the situations of too many tier 8′s being in the queue: SerB states that the reason the surplus tier 8′s have to wait for full battle spread instead of MM simply putting all of them to fight one another is “to avoid pay to win element”, tier 8 (premiums) “are vehicles that earn most credits”, it would be “irrational” to give them one more advantage by making them play only other tier 8′s 关于很多8级车等待队列时间长的情况:SerB说剩余的那些8级车让它们排队等待而不是放在一起战斗,目的是为了“避免花钱就获得胜利”的元素出现,8级金币车本来打钱就是最多的,再给它们更大的优势,只面对其它的8级普通车,这不合理。 - apparently, no high-caliber (150mm) premium vehicle was ever promised 从来就没答应过要出大口径(150mm)的金币车啊! - (SS: interesting) – developers considered earlier a KV-1S with a 152mm gun for a premium, but they found that it did not carry a 152mm gun, but a 122mm gun instead 开发人员早前曾考虑过装一个152mm的炮到KV1s车上作为一个金币车,但发现根本放不上去,只能装一个122mm的 - camouflage will not be transferrable from one tank to another 涂装不会从一个车转到另一个上 的 - apparently, current T-54 turret on the test is not final 现在测试服上的54炮塔还不是最终版 - test round 2 of 8.11 will most likely be the last one (third is not planned) 8.11第2轮测试很可能就是最后一轮了,不打算进行第3次测试。 - SerB doesn’t see any point in introducing “API Mantle” support SerB没看到有啥必要引入对 “API Mantle” 的支持( “API Mantle” :AMD的一项技术,要了解,百度之) - no special battle modes for premium vehicles only are planned 金币车不会有特别的战斗模式 - there is a small bug in 8.11 in the crew menu (with some text replaced by “text field”), it will be fixed when the patch is released 8.11成员目录中有个小bug(部分文本被text field 所代替),会在补丁正式发布的时候修复。 [编辑:nak]