0205你问我答 圣诞活动俄服送出1万辆IS6
- there is no set rule that certain damage in game has to correspond to certain caliber (SS: for example 150mm guns don’t have to deal 750 or 850 damage, the number can be completely different) 没有去设定规则多少伤害就要对应多大的口径 - DW2 OP or UP? “If the tank stats stand out, I will fix it” DW2强弱与否?如果统计数据突出,会处理的 - British arty depression us a “balance parameter” 英系火炮的俯角是一个平衡参数 - the priority for HD tank models lies in mass-produced and “legendary” tanks 高清模型优先为那些现实中大量生产和具有传奇色彩的车辆 - for now, there will be no separate HD and regular clients, this might change later when the patches get big 暂时来说不会分离高清和普通客户端,等以后补丁文件过大时或许会有所变化 - GPU multicore support will come at some point GPU多核心支持服务会有的 And stuff regarding SerB’s post about RU audience. The discussion under the post is actually pretty cool and interesting, I wish I could translate it, but it would take too much time. - on RU server, only like 15 percent of players are younger than 18 according to SerB 在俄服,低于18岁的玩家只有15% - average RU WoT player age is 32, Storms confirms by saying that this was found out via a paid survey and that real results will differ from this result only by like individual percents 俄服玩家平均年龄32岁,Storm说这是通过一个有偿调查问卷的方式得到的结果,当然与真实的结果还存在一定差异。 - SerB points out that all the player proposals to “increase skill of the playerbase” usually boil down to “don’t let the idiots into my team” SerB 指出所有玩家的那些“提高玩家水平”的建议通常可以总结为“不要让白痴混进我的队伍” - return of the “Stalin” inscriptions in the game had very positive impact on company profits 游戏内斯大林标语的返回对公司利润的影响是积极的。 - on the contrary, there was no significant profit loss from EU server based on the affair 与之相反的是,在这件事上,欧服的利润没有重大的损失。 - “less than 10 thousand” free IS-6′s were given out during the Christmas event 圣诞活动期间送出不到一万辆的IS-6(相比较来说,二雷的送潘兴活动到是容易些,肉侦3次就可以了)