0206你问我答 车辆伪装系数的工作原理
Yurko2F explains how camo works: Yurko2F解释伪装工作原理: “Camouflage is a coefficient. As an example, take 0.5 – that means that a tank with 400 meter viewrange will see the enemy with 0,5 camo factor at (400*0.5) = 200 meters. Movement and shooting increase this coefficient, while camo net and camo skill reduce it. Specific values won’t be disclosed, for individual tanks they can be found quite easily in training room.” 伪装是一个系数,举个例子,拿一个伪装系数为0.5的车辆来说——那意味着一辆400米视野的车将会在(400*0.5) = 200 m的位置看到0.5伪装系数的敌方车辆。移动和射击会增大这个系数,与此同时,伪装网和伪装技能能够降低这个系数。具体的伪装值不会披露,对于一些独特的车辆,能够很容易的在训练房发现。 - if one tank has full camo skill and the other tank has full viewrange skills, there is no definitive answer which one of them will have the advantage (compared to basic viewrange and camo values), it all depends on “who’s looking” 假如一辆车有满的伪装技能,另一辆车有满的观察技能,并不能明确的回答到底哪一方有优势(相对于基础视野和伪装值),这都取决于“谁在看” - an option not to be able to shoot while you are aiming at an ally won’t be implemented 瞄准队友时无法射击的选项不会实施 - third test was started because developers found a few bugs and fixed them (had to be tested) 3测已开始,因为开发人员发现了一些bug并且要修复它们(不得不去测试) WZ-132 minor change in 8.11 Posted on February 5, 2014bySilentstalker — 14 Comments ↓ Thanks to Kickass119 for pointing this out. One minor change I missed in 8.11: WZ-132 is getting a different (more natural) track shape. 感谢Kickass119的指点,8.11有个细小的变动我漏掉了: WZ-132 的履带外形有一个变化,看起来更自然一些