Storm asks for player opinions on WoT Hello everyone, Storm made a summary post, asking players, what they would like WG to address in WoT. From the discussion:Storm发了一个帖子,询问玩家想要WG在游戏里解决哪些问题 - Wargaming knows about bots and Storm says they will fight them, but he also says there are much fewer of them than what players think, “less than 1 percent of all players” (there is an analysis running, after that botters will be banned) WG知道挂机的存在,Storm说将会对付它们的,但他还说其实挂机的玩家很少,只占不到1%。有一个分析软件正在运行,在这之后挂机的玩家会被封掉。 - new anti-bot system is in developing process 新的反外挂系统正在开发中 - Storm states that saying every battle has 1-2 bots camping spawn points is exaggeration Storm说每场都有1-2个挂机的说法太夸张了 - Storm says that AFKers and leavers will be punished Storm说那些不动的和退出游戏的玩家将会给于惩罚 - according to Storm, North-West map in 8.11 is just fine Storm:8.11中的西部小镇地图还不错 - Storm admits that Severogorsk and Sacred valley have some balance problems Storm承认北莫尔斯克和神圣之谷有一些平衡方面的问题 - all the new “problematic” maps were made by the same people, who made the old maps 所有新的“有问题”的地图和原来老图的制作者都是一波人 - Komarin will be either once again reworked, or removed altogether 科马林会再次重做,或许彻底删除 - Storm uncovers plans for light tanks:轻坦的计划: “We will introduce top high-tier light tanks (tier 7-8) for main nations – USSR, Germany and USA. Old light tanks will get their battletiers changed and maybe some buffs” and “in any case, we will try to make the LT life easier” 将会为苏、德、美这几个主要国家引入高等级轻坦。原来的轻型会有战斗等级的变化,或许还会加强;但不管怎样,都会试着提高轻坦的生存率 - regarding tier 9-10 light tanks introduction: there are no candidates even for main nations 关于9、10级轻坦:主要的几个国家没有候选车辆 - US LT branch will start from Chaffee, candidates are T49 and T92 light tank (both for tier 8) (SS: Storm originally wrote T42, but there is no such thing) 美系轻坦分支从霞飞开始,候选车为T49和T92轻型,2个都是8级。 - roaming will come in 2014 跨服功能——就在今年 [编辑:nak]