2014-02-01 23:42来源:网络发布者:未知新手卡|游戏下载
Hello everyone, Test round 2 is here. Patchnotes (changes compared to round 1):相比第一轮测试的变化 - improved the performance (FPS) on Hidden Village and Windstorm 迷雾小镇和风暴地图帧数提升 - finished screwing up reworking T-54 and Type 59 完成之前错误的T-54 和 Type 59模型 - fixed client crashes when using magazine and depot 修复进入弹药库、仓库时客户端崩溃的问题 - fixed some errors on various maps 修复部分地图的一些错误地方 - fixed visual errors and visual/damage model inconsistencies of several objects 修复错误的车辆外观和几个不一致的视觉/伤害模型 - fixed the track effect flickering on winter maps 修复冬季地图里履带闪烁的问题 - fixed visual model errors of T-54, WZ-120, KV-1S, Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 59 修复以下车辆的外形错误;T-54, WZ-120, KV-1S, Type 3 Chi-Nu, Type 59 - fixed camo errors of WZ-120 修复WZ-120的迷彩错误 - fixed gun models on M48A1 Patton and Conqueror 修复M48A1 Patton和征服者炮的模型 - WT E-100 nerfed by 200 hitpoints 血量减少200 - changed the FOV during various zoom levels in arcade mode 改变车辆在普通视角下变焦过程中的视野 - fixed the saving of the camera zoom after battle 修复战后镜头变焦保存的问题 - fixed some errors of replay saving 修复录像保存的错误 - fixed a large number of bugs in the Missions window 修复任务窗口大量bug - fixed some render bugs, that appear when the user switches to another window and then to the game again 修复切换窗口到桌面,再次回到游戏中时出现的部分渲染bug - fixed some errors in logic of retraining the tankers to another tank 修复车辆再训练到另一车时逻辑上的错误 - reworked the ricochet effects 重做跳弹效果 - reworked the sounds of falling trees 重做树倒下的声音 - the cursor in text window bug was fixed 修复光标在打字窗口的bug - Naydin medal now counts towards “courageous resistance” Naydin 勋章并入到“英勇抵抗” - fixed some errors, appearing when you change graphic settings 修复更改图像设置时出现的错误 - fixed the bold font in the tank destruction window 修正车辆击毁窗口的粗字体 (a number of small UI and graphic bugs was also fixed) 一定数量的微界面和图像bug也被修复 - the “Tanker – Sniper” medal now requires 8 hits or more 狙击手勋章现在要求命中8次及以上。 - fixed the error where you bought the gold camo and it got “forgotten” in 8.11 修正8.11测试服里买过的金币涂装被系统遗忘的错误 Furthermore, following points were forgotten in the round 1 of the test patchnotes:此外,下面2点在1测补丁介绍中忘记了 - British national voiceover is now available 英系语音现在可以用了 - new teamkiller/teamdamage punishment and compensation system 新的击杀、击伤队友的惩罚系统和补偿系统。 [编辑:nak]