
坦克世界8.11更新内容 小朋友都震惊了



  today,after watching the 8.11 ASAP patch, I was actually quite surprised by the new“national battles” mode. Given the fact that I run a WoT blog, you can imagineI am not often surprised by something new announced publicly for WoT. But inthis case, I was.


  Whywas I surprised? Well, there are two reasons really.


  - first, Storm specifically said(a long time ago) this mode would NOT happen and ever since that time, noonebothered to ask about it anymore

  1、Storm 特别指出(很久以前说过)这个模式在那时候起永远不会出现在WOT,没人会再问它。

  - second, it’s such a weird mode noone wants or needs that noone mentioned itfor months, literally – not a peep


  Let’shave a look at it in a bit more detail though.


  Thebasic idea is that teams of tanks of one nation (and one nation only) will befighting teams of tanks from a different nation. All German teams vs. allSoviet teams for example. So, take a deep breath and try to imagine the numberof reasons this is a very, very bad idea. I came up with a few in seconds. Mybad feeling about this is made even stronger by Storm openly stating that therewill be no special MM rules for this kind of battle apart from the fact eachside will have


  Themain one is probably the fact that each nation has its characteristic tanks,suitable for a different style of gameplay. Russians have armor and massive,but inaccurate guns, Germans are (very basically said) snipers, the French are(apart from very low tiers) very lightly armored, the Americans are sort ofjack-of-all-trades (but master of none) tanks and so on. The average playerbasehowever likes to derp around and the Soviet tanks in general are the mostforgiving (if you make a mistake, you still get a chance to remedy it) and thiswill inherently be in an advantage versus all the other nations. Germans mightpotentially be the weakest, because their tanks require a specific gameplaystyle (if you go around rushing in a Tiger like you do in an IS tank, you willdie very quickly).

  主要是因为每个国家都有他有特色的坦克,来适合游戏里的不同风格,亲爹系有装甲和数量 (但是飞机炮,德国是(一般来说)狙击手(Jimmy:D系不是除火炮线都是TD线么),流氓系(除了一些低级坦克)只有非常薄的装甲,美帝坦克是什么都能干但是样样稀松,等等。普通玩家总喜欢拿喷子炮糊人一脸,而且亲爹系坦克容错率最高(如果你打飞了一炮,你还有机会补救),这个本质上会变成在VS其他系的时候的一个优势。德国也许是最弱的(Jimmy:D系最弱了我们来削一下D系吧,Serb),因为他们的坦克要求一个特殊的玩(hei)法 (qiang)(如果你像开着IS那样去开老虎(横冲直撞)你会死的非常快)

  Butthat’s not all. Imagine again Soviet versus German teams, tier 6 battle.Remember that MM explanation video Wargaming made a while back? In it, youlearned that the MM (apart from using the “basic” template in the beginning)actually modifies the basic battle template based on the current queue. Thattheoretically means that if one class of tanks is popular on that veryrespective tier, there will be more of those vehicles in the battle than usual.In our example of tier 6, we all know where the problem is. KV-1S is currentlythe most popular tank on both EU and US server, if I recall correctly (and ifit isn’t, it’s probably second). One of the effects it is is that tier 6 battlestend to be “bent” towards more heavies (as in, I am pretty sure tier 6 battleshave more heavy tanks on average than – say – tier 8 battles).

  但这不是全部,想像一下亲爹系VS D系,6级车大战,还记得WG搞的那个解释分房的视频么?从中可以知道,系统会根据当前排队队列的情况对初始分房模版进行一些调整。这个理论上表示如果一系坦克非常受欢迎,它们的数量会比通常情况下要多(不知道具体什么意思,比如10V15?还是说会有更多人排队玩该系?)在我们刚才6级房的栗子里,我们都知道问题在哪里,KV1S是现在欧服和美服最受欢迎的坦克。其中一个后果就是6级房会成为重坦混战场(SS:我很确定相比起8级,6级房的战斗中会有更多重坦)

  So,what you will have is for example a battle, where like 6-7 heavies on bothteams correspond to the nation rule, which means the Soviets will get like 6-7KV-1S tanks and to “counter” it, the Germans will have 6-7 VK3601H tanks andthe Americans the M6 heavies. Good luck beating a KV-1S (in worst case drivenby an experienced statpadder) with your VK3601H. You can imagine how thisbattle will probably go, the VK’s will get torn to pieces. There is no doubtthat the KV-1S is overpowered and enabling this nation mode will ENSURE that youropponents will always be weaker (as long as you don’t end up in a tier 7/8battle, but the amount of those will not change, so all in all it’s a buff). Iam sure statpadders are very happy about this change.

  所以,再举个栗子,对应国战的规则,两边队伍都会有6-7辆HT的话,那就意味着亲爹系会有6-7辆KV1S,D系会有6-7辆VK3601H,美帝会有6-7辆M6重型,如果你RP好你可以击败一辆KV1S(最坏的情况,被一个有经验的老手屠幼)你可以想像战斗将如何发展,VK3601H会被打成狗。毫无疑问KV1S是OP的,而且能够确保在这个模式中你的对手一直都比你弱(虽然你不进 7,8级房战斗,但是它们的数量不会改变,所以总体来说是个buff吧)我确定刷子们会非常高兴看到这个改变。

  Ontier 10, this situation is reversed. We all know how popular the tankdestroyers are now on high tiers. You get 4-5 every battle. So, the Sovietswill get 4-5 Object 268′s (nothing wrong with those, after the nerf I thinkthey will do fine), while the Germans will get 4-5 WT E-100′s. Good luckbeating that. There aren’t that many of those around yet, but wait for a fewmonths, there will be more. And this situation repeats for every “broken”vehicle on any tier really.




  Unless“special” rules are introduced (stuff like “no more than X tanks of type Y inbattle”, or such stuff, which Wargaming generally hates to do), I predict thatthis battle mode will end in failure. It is obvious that some battle setupswill be clearly overpowered. This by itself is not such a problem (in currentMM, some setups created are much stronger than others, for example when oneteam gets 3 KV-1S tanks and one M6, while the other gets 3 VK3601 and one M6),the real problem is that on certain tiers, such OP setups will now appear muchoften than before.

  除非有特殊的分房(举个栗子,某种车型不超过X台)或者类似的东西(WG通常不会想做的),我预言这种模式最后会失败。明显某些战斗的配置是OP的。这本来不是问题(在现在的分房里,一些配置比其他的要强,举个栗子,当一队有3辆KV1S 和1辆M6重型,而另外一队有3辆VK3601H和1辆M6重型),问题真正在于在某些等级,这些OP配置会比以前更频繁的出现。

  Ipersonally will test it on the test server, but if it ends like I think itwill, I will almost certainly disable this option. Unless I feel like playingthe KV-1S that is :)



上一篇:坦克世界8.11新版本更新时间及内容爆料 下一篇:8.11测试服:二测的一些坦克改动说明


  • 游戏名称:坦克世界
  • 开发公司:Wargaming.net
  • 运营公司:空中网
  • 游戏类型:射击类
  • 官方网站:点击进入
  • 责任编辑:nak(59743733)
  • 玩家Q群:256802683

