0130你问我答 新年没有新天朝和本子车
- you will get the same punishment for teamdamage no matter how well you perform in battle (SS: as in, you will get punished the same way even if you did 12k damage) 不管你在战斗中表现如何,击伤了队友就会受到同样的惩罚(也就是说,就算你打出1万2千伤害,惩罚的方式也是一样的) - it’s possible premium tanks, such as Dicker Max and Churchill III will appear in historical battles 或许某些金币车,比如大麦,丘吉尔III也能出现在历史战里 - Wargaming doesn’t know anything about Japanese post-war light tanks WG不清楚任何有关日本战后的LT - Storm confirms the British voiceover, it will be pointed out in final patchnotes Storm证实英国语音将会出现在最后最后的补丁说明中 - regarding the FOV change in 8.11:关于8.11视野的变化 “It was an experimental setting, that changes FOV depending on the level of camera zoom. On maximum zoom, the FOV was reduced by 25 percent. We decided not to do it and forgot to remove it on the test client.” 它是一个试验性的设定,视野的变化取决于视角放大的程度,在最大时,视野降低25%。我们决定不这么去做。只是忘记把它从测试端删除掉了 - no T34 premium buff is planned T34金币车不打算加强 - apparently, the game has a problem with oveclocked PC’s and crashes on them since 8.10, this problem will not be fixed in 8.11 从8.10开始,超频的电脑会出现游戏崩溃的问题,但不会在8.11修复 - FV4202 model not fixed while T-54 gets changed? “How terrible” (SS: yet another hint that FV4202 might be replaced by something) FV4202模型没有和T54同时修正?“How terrible” )——(SS:另外一层意思可能FV4202会被某些车替换) - apparently, lower frontal plate angle of Type 59 might be changed 59式首下倾角可能有变 - new HESH mechanics are not being worked on yet, but changes are planned 新的HESH机制尚未去做,但确实有这个打算 - new Japanese and Chinese tanks are definitely not planned in 2014 新的日系和天朝车绝对不再2014年的计划中 - “light T-54″ Soviet premium will come this year S系8级金币车轻型54会在今年加入游戏 - for now, no changes in Team battles are planned, developers are working on selecting your team according to what map you are getting 暂时,7/42模式不打算有任何变化,开发人员正在制作根据你进入的地图来选择团队的功能 - apparently, SU-76I will not be a regular premium tank, but an award/event tank SU-76I 不是金币车,而是一个奖品/活动车辆 - M46 Patton will not lose its unhistorical top gun M46 Patton不会失去那个不符合历史的顶级炮 - no plans to change the Soviet D-54 gun 不打算改变S系的D54炮 - there will be no compensation for Type 59 changes 金币车59式有变化,但没有补偿(按照WG一贯的做法,金币车改动,都会在其它方面给于或多或少给于补偿的) - Storm states that he considers the way Wargaming did camouflage in World of Tanks correct (SS: as in, it won’t be made like in War Thunder, where you can literally make pink tanks with pictures etc.) Storm 认为WG在坦克世界里做涂装的方式是正确的(SS:也就是说,不能像战争雷霆那样自定义粉红色的图片在坦克车身上) - the customization of tanks, mentioned earlier by developers could be for example additional tool boxes, track links and extra roadwheels on places where they could have been in real life, it’s not yet decided whether this additional stuff will be purely visual, or (SS: for example track links) will give any bonus to armor 定制坦克,早前开发人员提到在现实中存在的东西,比如加装工具箱、履带链和额外的负重轮之类,尚未决定是否这些附加的东西作为纯粹的视图,又或是能够给装甲提供加成。 - in historical battles, Storm confirms that the gold ammo will be limited, mechanism of the battle will be the same as in current random (SS: no “hardcore mode”) 在历史战中,Storm证实金币弹会有数量上的限制,作战机制和目前的随机模式一样(没有无限模式:直到一方杀光) [编辑:nak]