0126你问我答 天朝SPG和TD有计划、无时间
2014-01-26 15:41来源:网络发布者:你的样吇如往昔新手卡|游戏下载
- apparently, mastery badges won’t be rewarded with credits or XP (SerB: “Greed is bad”) M级奖章不会有银币或经验奖励(SerB:贪婪可不好) - SerB states that the German captured KV-1 was not equipped with an 88mm gun, but with the 75mm SerB 指出德国缴获的KV-1没有装88炮,而是75炮 - apparently, after the TD alpha nerf, their shell price will remain the same TD均伤削弱后,炮弹价格没有变 - Q: “Did you ever consider making a “sandbox” game with “free world”?” A: “You see, we didn’t do it for students and schoolkids, who don’t do squat. We made the game for adult men, who are successful in real life and have time for only short game sessions. Students and schoolkids – go play Warcraft.” 有考虑过做一个免费版的沙盒游戏吗?你懂的,我们可不会为那些小学生和中学生做这样的游戏。这个游戏是面向那些现实生活中时间有限、有成就的男人,中小学生--玩魔兽去吧 - Q: “Why is there no US premium TD?” A: “And there has to be one according to User Agreement?” 为啥没有美系金币TD?用户协议里规定必须有一个? - apparently (SS: if I understand this correctly), CW format is changing to be more casual friendly SS:如果理解正确的话,领土战版面变的更加友好 - tier 8 premium German medium tank? “If there are any plans, I will tell” 德系8级金币中坦?如果有任何计划,我会告诉你们的! - apparently, the T-54 remodelling concerns only the 120mm frontal armor hull – when the alternative 100mm hull is introduced, it will look like the “old” (8.10) T-54 T-54模型的重建只涉及到120mm的车体----当100mm的可选车体引入游戏时,它外形类似于现在8.10版里的T54 - it’s possible T-44-85 will not appear at all: “It’s better to implement a normal tier 8 prem than this poor guy” – a candidate for that tier appeared 可能T-44-85根本不会出现了:加入一个普通8级金币车都比这个家伙要好的多-这个级别的候选车出现了 - it’s theoretically possible for the post-mission message (that appears in the garage) to appear on the map loading screen 理论上车库的任务信息是可以显示在地图载入界面的 - apparently, the Field of View changed in 8.11 (SS: weird, didn’t notice), before it was different for various resolutions, now it’s the same 8.11视野有变化,以前各种分辨率下有所不同,现在则改为一样了 - player asked Storm about the national battles, whether this is what the developers wanted. Storm: “Definitely. Almost an ideal setup.” 关于国战,下图是否就是开发人员想要的,Storm:想法几乎实现了 - roaming is “being worked on and polished” 跨服正在制作中 - big maps (twice as big as the current ones) are being worked on 大地图(是现在两倍)也在制作中 - Sturmtiger being worked on, no ETA 突击虎也在做,没有确定的时间 - there are plans for Chinese SPG’s and TD’s, no ETA 天朝火炮和TD在计划中,没有确切的时间 - Storm states that 8.11 shouldn’t run slower on weak computers – in fact, some weak computers will see FPS increase Storm说渣电脑运行8.11不会慢,相反某些电脑帧数还会增加 - it’s now 100 percent sure that Wargaming will remove the class camo bonus when firing a gun for all the tank destroyers (SS: as in, tank destroyers will no longer be harder to spot when firing a gun of the same caliber than other classes) 现在100%可以确定WG将会移除所有TD开火后的伪装加成(SS:也就是说同口径下,TD相比其它车型在开火炮将不会再很难的被点亮了) - generally, in the future, all large caliber guns will make the vehicle easier to spot than it is now 以后,口径大的车辆相比现在要更加易于点亮(开火后) - the two changes above will come either in 9.0 or 9.1, as it requires long testing 上述2个变化会在9.0或9.1版本来到,因为需要长时间测试