- new US medium branch (T25E1 – T42 – T54E2 – T95E6)? SerB: “No comment on leaks and rumors as usual” (SS: yea, it’s BS) 新的美系分支是下面这样吗? (T25E1 – T42 – T54E2 – T95E6) SerB:谣言没新意,不予评论 - Q: “Will it be possible to appear with a Tiger in a national battle Soviet team?” A: “You consider us to be retards or something…” 国战里会出现苏系一方夹杂一辆虎式的情况吗?你真当我们是笨蛋啊,或是其它 什么 - Q: “How come you nerfed arty instead of putting a hardcap on it?” A: “Idiotic solutions like a hardcap have no support in Wargaming – we try not to hire morons as employees” 用一个数量上限的方式来代替削弱火炮如何?像硬性限制火炮数量的2B方案WG是不会支持的——我们不会去雇佣那些没有作为的员工 - Q: “Why don’t you implement the option to disable 2-3 maps you don’t want to play?” A: “For the same reason as before” (SS: the official reason if I remember correctly was the fact that it would mess with MM too much) 为啥不把下面的功能引入游戏:玩家可以关闭掉自己不想玩的2-3个地图?原因和以前一样,貌似会搞乱分房机制 - +/-1 MM for historical battles is not planned, SerB considers it fine for a Tiger to meet a T-34 (or for a Panzer IV to meet IS) 不打算给历史战搞+/-1 范围的分房机制,SerB认为虎式遇见T34,或者四号遇到IS 挺好的 - the Japanese and Chinese tanks are not named in Japanese or Chinese simply because most players can’t read Japanese and Chinese 本子和天朝车没有用日语和中文简体来命名,原因是大多数玩家不认识这2国语言 - SerB “will have a look”, whether the Chinese map “Empire’s Border” will appear on RU/EU/US too SerB“将会看看”,是否中国的长城地图有必要出现在外服 - apparently, it’s pointless to angle your mantlet (by moving the gun up or down) in order to bounce more shots, as mantlet angling doesn’t increase the mantlet effective armor 上下摆动你的炮盾角度用来跳弹,这样做毫无意义,因为炮盾角度的改变并不会增加它的有效装甲值 - Q: “How do I know which tank will I able to use in historical battles?” A: “Use common sense” 我怎样才能知道哪个车能够用于历史战?常识啊,白痴!! - lists for specific tanks available for historical battles will exist apparently for each respective battle 可用于历史战的一些特供车辆(金币车)将会自动存在双方的战斗列表中 - Japanese tanks too weak? “Don’t play Japanese tanks” 本子车太弱啦?那就别玩 - apparently, historical battles (as shown before in one Russian video) will “make” you buy an entire pre-set ammo composition (SS: for example 30 AP, 5 APCR, 30 HE) for a price of the complete set 历史战里的弹药都是预先打包好的,价格也是,比如一辆车只允许买30发AP,5发APCR,30发HE这样的弹药组合 - national battles will use the same MM rules as regular battles 国战模式使用和普通战斗一样的分房规则 - SerB thinks that what Veider said about the T23 premium tank (SS: it was historically able to go backward as fast as forward) is garbage, a player later argues it was historical, but SerB states that it’s the developers who decide what is realistic in the game and that he will specifically tell Veider not to do such a thing SerB认为之前veider说的美系金币车T23倒车和前进有相同的速度是废话,一玩家稍后也说这是符合历史的。但SerB怒了,他说在游戏里车辆对于现实的表现情况由开发人员(特别是我)来决定,你一个熊孩子靠边站,尤其是那个Vdeider,我得找他来喝喝茶,不要再出现这样的事情! - Storm states that the information that he said the arty would be buffed was a hoax 火炮的加强不过是个恶作剧 这个就是历史战的弹药补给界面和车辆选择界面 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:路牙]