Hello everyone, 大家嚎, Storm is asking about the 8.11 test and whether you have any issues with it. From the discussion: Storm在询问关于8.11测试服以及你在测试服上有没有啥问题。以下是讨论区的内容: - it’s possible the color of the interface will be changeable (or at least be changed) 界面的颜色有可能可以自行更改(或者至少颜色会变一下) - at this moment, the priorities of tank balancing team are as follows: 现在坦克平衡部门的任务的优先度如下: 1) finishing solving the TD issue 解决TD的问题 2) reviving the LT’s 重新考虑轻坦们 3) historical battles balance 历史战的平衡工作 4) testing and analysing the results of various new features, such as the 720m radius render circle, reducing the visibility (bad weather), tank respawn (mentioned by SerB for historical battles) 测试及分析一些新机制所带来的影响,栗如720m半径的渲染圈,降低可见度(在天气情况不佳的情况下),坦克的复活机制(SerB以前提到的历史战的机制) - the points above mean that specific vehicles will be dealt with only if they significantly stand out statistically (SS: because the balancing department is busy) 上述几点意味着如果一辆车的数据过于突出的话,它才会被拿出来单独进行平衡(SS:因为平衡部门太忙了) - for now it’s not known yet, how the reviving of the LT class will work 现在还不知道重新考虑轻坦们会带来什么样的后果 - the 720m render circle is being worked on, will be tested soon 720M渲染距离圈正在搞,过一段时间再测试 - the Grosstraktor was implemented for “marketing purposes” – Storm doesn’t know what exactly that means and he doesn’t know what will players have to do to obtain it Grosstraktor(译注:直译大拖拉机,后同)是因为“市场目的”才加入到游戏中的—Storm表示他并不知道这是什么意思,他也不知道玩家要做些什么才能拿到这个车 - the only other existing reworked map to be implemented as a double for now will be Prokhorovka with various “battle fluff” (destroyed guns and such) – and that’s it for now, both Prokhorovka maps will exist in the game at the same time 唯一的一张现存的需要重制并加入游戏的地图是带有不同“战争气息”的普罗霍洛夫卡(有被摧毁的炮啥的)—然后就先这样了,两张普罗霍洛夫卡会同时在游戏中共存。 - the additional effects such as rain and snow can be disabled in the Settings under “Additional effect quality” 例如雨雪这样的额外的特效可以在设置中的“额外特效质量”中进行关闭 - it’s completely possible that TD’s (Object 268 and RhB) will get a nerf of camo bonus after shooting (SS: currently, TD’s have a “class bonus” of not being demasked by shooting, this might change) TD们的开火后隐蔽加成(268工程和莱茵金属武器运载车)完全有可能被砍(SS:现在TD们有一个开火后更不容易被发现的“车型加成”,这个也许会有改动) - new content for clans is being worked on 军团的新内容还在搞 - T-54 changes were “nothing critical gameplay-wise” T-54的改动“对游戏性没什么重大影响” - some players report graphical glitches in 8.11, Storm said he will investigate 部分玩家表示8.11有一些图像上的Bug,Storm说他会去调查一下 - Storm says it “wouldn’t be bad” if players could see the type of video adapter used (for systems that have two) in settings Storm表示如果玩家能够看到(对于系统中有两个的话)所用的视频转接器的话,那“不会很差” - Storm states (regarding the WT E-100 aim spread nerf), that WT’s aim spread when turning the turret was like zero, this nerf brought it on par with other tank destroyers Storm表示(关于WT E-100的扩圈Nerf),WT的在旋转炮塔时候的扩圈跟没有差不多,这次改动把它拉到了和其他TD差不多的水平上 - T-54 model was changed to resemble this one (on the photo there is the T-54 with 120mm front armor, this variant is in the game): T-54的模型改的和下图挺像的(图上的T-54正面装甲厚度为120mm,这个也是游戏内使用的那个型号) - national battles mode will not appear in team battles 国别战不会出现在7/2中 - regarding the chance to drop into “national battles”: 以下是进入“国别战”的几率: With assault and encounter enabled: 20 percent. 夺旗和攻防全部打开:20% With one mode (either assault or encounter) enabled: 30 percent 打开以上两种模式其中一个(任意一个):30% With no other mode enabled: 40 percent 不打开任何模式:40% These numbers might not work correctly on the test server because of the amount of players there 这些数据由于测试服玩家数量的问题可能不会正确生效 - Storm states that the new interface changes (specifically the crew options) weren’t made “like in mods”, because mods aren’t always the most intuitive and easy to use and it is not WG’s aim to make the interface to resemble mods Storm表示新的界面改动(尤其是乘员选项)并不是”向Mod靠拢“才做的,因为Mod并不总是最直观且最易于上手的,WG的目的也不是为了改动界面以变得类似于MOD - Storm on how “implementing the mods” work: “Someone starts to whine ‘why isn’t this useful feature in the game’ – ok, I evaluate the feature’s usefulness. If it’s good – I’ll send it to be implemented. When implemented, it’s being done independently on any mods. Sometimes it turns out to look the same as the mod feature – sometimes not.” Storm对于如何“把MOD加入游戏”是如何工作的说法:“有人开始抱怨说‘啊尼玛这个有用的机制为什么不存在在游戏中’—妥,我会去看这个机制到底有多有用。如果它很不错—我就把它放进需要加入游戏的东西的列表中。当加入游戏时,它是独立自主完成的,并不依赖于任何的Mod。有的时候我们做出来的东西和Mod看起来完全一样,有的时候就不会。” - regarding the premium tanks that didn’t have their profitability buffed, Storm states that their creditmaking statistics didn’t require it to be buffed 说到那些打钱能力没有被Buff的坦克,Storm表示它们的打钱能力的数据并不需要被Buff - Storm confirms that the T110E3 and T110E4 did recieve DPM compensation via ROF, but not a complete one (this is intended) Storm确认了T110E3和T110E4的确通过提高射速来补偿DPM,但是并不是完全补偿(这是有意为之的) 【更多精彩资讯尽在叶子猪坦克世界专区】 [编辑:路牙]