坦克世界8.11模型变动 T-54油箱将后置
2014-01-27 09:20来源:网络发布者:佚名新手卡|游戏下载
These are the changes we know about for now. Warning, this post is picture heavy! 这是目前为止我们所知道的坦克世界8.11的一些变动,主要关于坦克模型的变动。 Nashorn – got a bit bigger (the smaller one is the old one) 犀牛:外形变大了一些(外形小的是现在的8.10) The T-54 model was drastically changed. The longer one is the new one (also, with fuel tanks in the back) – please note that armor did not change. T-54 模型改动挺大,外形较长的是新的,还有油箱放在车后部,要注意的是装甲没有改动 The T-54 model was drastically changed. The longer one is the new one (also, with fuel tanks in the back) – please note that armor did not change. T-54 模型改动挺大,外形较长的是新的,还有油箱放在车后部,要注意的是装甲没有改动 |