0401你问我答 历史战中低级车打钱能力提升
2014-04-01 16:01来源:网络发布者:yoyochaodan新手卡|游戏下载
Check out Listy’s article “Grand Theft Walrus” Stealing a warplane – not such a good idea. 看看Listy的文章“侠盗猎机手”偷战机—不是什么好主意。 - in 9.0, HD Panther became taller and wider. This is correct according to Storm, the old model had incorrect size all along 9.0中,高清的豹式坦克(国服称黑豹坦克)会变得更高,更宽。Storm表示这是对的,原来的模型尺寸就一直有问题 - the changes in vehicles in historical battles (SS: as in, removing some and adding some) were made “according to data, provided by historians” 历史战车辆的改动(SS:也就是说把一些车拿掉,又加进一些新车)是“根据历史学家所提供的数据”而做出的 - when balancing MM weight in historical battles, the tier of the vehicle is irrelevant – what matters is the combat effectivity of the vehicle in that historical battle, for example KV-1S at Kursk has quite low HBMM weight, despite being a tier 6 heavy 当平衡历史战的MM权重时,车辆的等级并不重要—重要的是这辆车在那场历史战中的作战效率,举个栗子吧,尽管KV-1S作为一辆六级重坦出现在历史战中,但它的历史战权重就很低 - the profitability of lowtier tanks in historical battles will be improved, so it pays off to use them 历史战中低级车的打钱能力会有提升,这就会让大家觉得玩小车很值 - historical battles will constantly be monitored by the developers and adjusted, so both sides have the same win chance 历史战会一直被开发团队所监控且作出调整,这样两边的胜率就一直会差不多 - the amount of polygons on HD M103 wheels won’t be increased 高清的M103的轮子的多边形数量不会上升了