坦克世界:历史战坦克调整 8.11小补丁
2014-04-01 16:23来源:网络发布者:网络新手卡|游戏下载
as some of you might have noticed, a micropatch did hit the EU server as well (without any notice on the portal). This micropatch contains following fixes: 欧服和俄服都有一个小补丁,包括以下内容: - hotfixed the disappearing arty shells in arty mode bug 修复了在鹰眼模式下火炮炮弹消失的bug - new hangar (WGL-themed), that will be active from 2nd to 6th April 新的车库(WGL主题的)将会在4月2-6号间生效。 顺便,SS发现了卖萌的WG程序猿 “卡尔臼炮” 新地图 “Battlecity(战斗之城)” And no, these won’t appear in the game :) It’s just someone screwing around. Oh yea, and the WGL hangar (source) – that will appear in April: 不过它们不会出现在游戏中:P ,只是闹着玩儿的