坦克世界8.9更新内容 新版本德系线确定
2013-09-30 14:43来源:网络发布者:小Z新手卡|游戏下载
- SerB would like to add destructable/deformable ground to WoT, but so far it is beyond technical possibilities - SerB很想加入地形破坏,可是目前来说硬件设备不允许 ================================================== SerB seems angry today, some of his answers are rude, full of typos and trolling. When called on that, he said it’s because the “amount of idiots here has increased” 今天SerB脾气不是很好 - AMX-30 does fit the WoT timescale and it is possible it will be introduced as 2nd French top medium - AXM-30的确符合WOT的加入条件,所以是可能以第二条中坦线的顶级车加入的 - tank hitpoints have nothing to do with that tank’s armor, it’s a balance parameter (SS: this answer came from a question, whether the tank hitpoints in game are tied to some real life tank characteristics, such as armor. In ancient WoT times, it was considered the hitpoints to be roughly tied to the tank internal space (the more internal space, the more hitpoints), but this has been disproved many times already). - 战车的血量和装甲没很大关系,只是游戏性的平衡数据 - (If I understand it correctly) there are no plans to introduce more options how to one- or two-shot a tank with midtier guns (the already existing being fire and ammorack explosion) - 除了弹药架殉爆和起火,没打算加入其他能够一发入魂的方法 - E50 is considered to be a medium tank because it was classified as such in German sources - E50被当作中坦是因为元首的文件来源就是这样分类的 - SerB states that the 1200hp German engines were not historical - SerB说德系1200马力的发动机是不科学的 - some French engines are also unhistorically strong - 某些法系的发动机也是很魔法 - historical and garage battles will appear at some point in both WoWp and WoT - 历史模式和车轮战在某方面会结合战机和坦克世界 - the T-44-122 hull (with a massive driver’s booth) won’t be added as an optional hull to the tier 8 T-44, because there are other upgrades to go with on that tier - T-44-122车身(有个很大的驾驶员仓)不会作为替换车身加入到8级的T-44,因为有其他选项了 - it’s not sure whether the hemispherical T-54 turrets will be available for the 100mm frontal armor hull only. There is an option to implement the optional 120mm frontal armor hull too, that one would however limit the speed of the tank - 还不确定半球形的T-54炮塔是否只是100mm正面装甲车身限定。虽然有计划加入120mm的正面车身装甲,但是这会限制极速 - for now, there are no other candidates for removal from the game (like the T-50-2 was), but SerB states “we’ll see” - 现在暂时没有移除某战车的计划(像T-50-2),但是SerB说,会继续查证 - the smallest number of planned branches at this moment belongs to the Chinese and Japanese trees - 目前数量最少的线是中系和日系车 - there are no plans to rework the 10-caliber rule (SS: shell flies only the distance of 10 its calibers after the armor is penetrated) - 没打算重制10倍口径规则(炮弹在击穿装甲后只会继续飞行棋口径的10倍距离) - 没打算赦免永久封禁的帐号 [编辑:nak]